Chapter fifteen

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^picture of the apartment

Sierra's POV

"Nice room" Jaden complimented. He walked over to my window seat and looked out at the view. The one thing I loved about my room is that it looked over New York City. I had to fight over it with Mia for over a week. He made his way over to me and joined me on my bed.

"Thanks" I laughed "We can watch something on Netflix before the party starts" I suggested. He nodded his head and laid his head down on my pillows. I got up and grabbed the remote from my desk. "Have you ever seen Miraculous?" I asked as I jumped back into my bed.

"Nope" he said popping the 'P'.

"You're going to love this" I giggled as I pressed the 'watch' button.

"Wait? This is a kids show?" He questioned. "Aren't you like twenty one?"

"Oh shut up! You probably still watch Ben 10" I scoffed

"Why would you think-" I cut him off by lifting up his t shirt revealing the Ben 10 boxers waistband which was peeking out from under his jeans. "I just picked out the first ones my hand landed on" he blushed as he pulled down his shirt. I hummed not believing a word he was saying.

"Just watch it, it's good" I laid back down and stared intently at the screen. "Ugh doesn't Chloe annoy you too? She's such an airhead to think Adrian likes her" I commented. When Jaden didn't answer I turned my head to find him staring at me. I didn't even get a chance to question him because he leaned down over me and planted his lips against mine. His eyes were closed but mine stayed widened in bewilderment. I quickly pushed him off me and sat up straight to the side of the bed with my back to him.

"I'm sorry. I thought you..." he started shaking his head in confusion.

"No I'm sorry. I've been leading you on this whole time but I-"

"You don't like me that way" he finished. I didn't say anything. My silence was too loud. I looked down at my fingers and picked at my sage green nail polish. He sighed and walked over to my window. I closed my eyes and I suddenly felt guilty.

"Is it because of him?" he asked. My head jerked up to look at him. He had his hands stuffed into his shorts pockets but his back was facing me.

"Who?" I knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Aaron. Do you still have feelings for him?" He finally turned around as he waited for my answer.

"Of course not! He has a girlfriend-"

"And? What does him having a girlfriend have anything to with this? I asked you if you still like him not about his current relationship status. I don't even know why I asked you that question" he scoffed as he sat back down on the bed with me. "It's so obvious that you still like each other" he muttered under his breath

"It wouldn't even work out" I sighed

"How would it when you won't even tell him how you really feel?" He questioned.

"I can't do that to Kiara. I would only end up destroying their relationship" it was ironic that I said that. I already destroyed their relationship the minute I kissed Aaron that night.

"You wouldn't be destroying their relationship if Aaron actually liked her" Jaden snorted. I didn't know how to respond to that. Part of me got excited knowing that Aaron may not like Kiara but another part of me felt upset because Kiara didn't deserve any of this. There was a moment of silence as we listened to Marionette failed attempt to talk to Adrian from the tv. "Go out with me"

My eyes widened again as I stared at him in disbelief. This day was just full of surprises. "Jaden I already told you-"

"As my fake girlfriend" he continued. I stared at him before bursted into laughter.

"What are we? Sixteen? I'm not doing that" I rolled my eyes

"Think about it. It's the perfect way of getting under his skin and to make him jealous." He explained.

"We don't even know for sure if he actually likes me. Maybe he's just fucking with my brain"

"There's only one way to find out then" he winked. I sighed and stared into space. Is it horrible of me to agree to doing this? My mind then wandered back to night of our scandalous kiss. I may have kissed him but he kissed me back. He wanted me.

"I'm in but what's the catch?" I asked.

"Nothing at least not yet anyway" he shrugged.

"Ok well I assume we are going to have to act all 'lovey dovey' in public"

"Yeah don't worry I won't kiss you anything but we will have to hold hands and be close to each other. Don't worry I don't bite" he smirked.

"Oh shut up" I laughed and playfully threw a pillow at him. My phone pinged from a notification. "It's Justin. He said he's heading back with Mia and will be here in less than ten minutes" I said.

"Perfect opportunity to announce the new and only fake couple" he stood and held his hand out. I took it and stood up. "Also don't look so nervous. They are gonna think I have dirt on you and that I'm forcing you to be my girlfriend"

"Sorry" I nervously laughed. He narrowed his eyes at me before looking at my hair. My hands immediately flew up to head and begun to run my fingers through it. "What's wrong?"

"No stop it looks too...neat" he then raised his hands up to my hair and began ruffling it a little.

"Hey stop! what are you doing?" I shrieked and smacked his hands away. He took a step back and nodded his head triumphantly.

"Perfect. Don't touch it. We have to make it look like we did stuff in here" he explained.

"Like we-"

"Fucked? Yes" he said bluntly. Oh God. He then grabbed my hand again and we walked out of my room and down into the kitchen. I was slightly annoyed when I didn't see Aaron because I wanted him to witness first hand how close Jaden and I were. I then looked over to the living area that was a couple of meters from the open kitchen and found Kiara grinding against Aaron. Both his hands were firmly curled around her hips as he moved her back and forth. I watched as his face appeared from behind her and latched his mouth on her neck. He must have noticed somebody watching him. He eyes lifted up to meet mine. He continued sucking on her neck but didn't once remove his eyes from me. Bastard.

I slightly turned away from him so I was facing Jaden again. "Put your hand on waist and whisper something in my ear" I whispered to him.

"Huh?" He confusingly asked.

"Do it" I gritted out. He snaked an arm around my waist and leaned down to my ear and playfully nibbled on it. I laughed and moved away to hit him. "Don't do that" I smiled. I then stole a glance over at Aaron and Kiara but was surprised to only find Kiara on the couch. Where did he go?

"Woah!! What's going on here?" Veronica walked over to us as she looked between Jaden and I. I looked up at Jaden and he nodded.

"You're looking at the newest couple" I placed my hand in Jadens and lifted our hands up as proof of evidence. Veronica's eyes lit up and Mia squealed. They hugged me and started gushing about all the dates we could go on. My phone pinged again. "They are here! Everyone hide!" I yelled.

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