"It seems I have. What a shame, he was quite lovely while it lasted." She removed her chin from his arm, though kept looking expectantly at him.

Remus rolled back over to face her again, a smile he was trying so hard to suppress lifting up his cheeks.

"Happy Remus has returned!" Genevieve exclaimed in a whisper, her hands clapping together yet making no noise in order to not wake the others.

Remus rolled his eyes, the corning of his lip twitching upwards. "Must you always be a pain?"

"Is there any other way to live?" Gen retorted.

A shift in the covers and a groan came from Sirius and James's side of the room, both of their heads twisting around to see who had woken.

James was sat upright, his blanket pooling around his waist while Sirius was still sprawled out on his front - well, rather all of the mattress as he was nearly kicking James off it - fast asleep. James reached a hand upwards, retrieving his glasses and blinking to adjust his vision while putting them on.

"Morning," Genevieve greeted him with a smile.

"Morning to you too," James yawned, stretching out his limbs and glancing at the rest of them. Once he spotted Lily he had to cover his mouth in order stop a loud laugh releasing from him.

She was laid in the familiar spider-like position Genevieve had seen her sleep in while in the Hogwarts dormitory's, a long with the same familiar line of drool coming from her open mouth.

At least she wasn't snoring that loudly.

"Don't laugh at her," Genevieve scolded him, although she was biting back a smile herself.

James breathed behind his hand, face going red from holding in laughter. "Do you have a camera?"

"That's cruel, James." Genevieve grinned. "Of course I do."

Remus shook his head as she unravelled herself from her blanket and travelled upstairs. The sound of rustling came from the bedroom on top of them, a creak of the floorboards once or twice before the sound of footsteps came from the stairway and Genevieve once again emerged into the living room with a camera in her hands.

"It's a magic one," she informed them all, positioning the polaroid just above Lily's head in order to get the perfect photograph that would be used to tease her for the rest of her life by James.

"Wait!" James said a little too loudly before she clicked down on the camera, making a slight shuffle come from Peter although he didn't wake up.

"I want to get in it," he said, posing next to Lily with a cheeky and full of life grin despite it being so early.

Genevieve clicked the camera down, the flash efficiently waking Lily up but not before capturing a picture of her and a posing James.

"What was that?" Lily bolted upright, looking at Genevieve ( who had the camera hidden behind her back ) and James suspiciously.

"Nothing," James said, his voice not faltering and wavering in the slightest due to his experiences of lying his way out of trouble.

"Oh really?" Lily narrowed her eyes suggestively, her head inching forward slightly as if she was scanning him over.

James shrugged. Genevieve slipped the camera under the armchair Peter was sleeping on. Remus was staring at them all amusedly.

serendipity - r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now