They then stopped at a restaurant for Aang to frown, "Oh, we're eating at a meat place." Sokka looked back at him, "Come on Aang. Everyone here eats meat. Even the meat." Aang shook his head, "I'm good. I'll just get some lettuce from out of the garbage." The rest went in for (Y/N) to stay with Aang who looked at him, "You don't like meat?" (Y/N) crossed his arms, "I do, but it's hot out. A nice refreshing apple or peach would be nice." Some people started walking by for Aang to nod, wave at them, and say to each of them, "Hotsman." (Y/N) made him bring his hand down, "We don't say that anymore." "Oh."

Three guards then walked up to them, "It's over. We caught you." The two became nervous for Aang to look puppy eyed, "Who us?" "It couldn't be more obvious that you two don't belong here. Next time you play hookie, you might wanna take off your school uniforms." Aang laughed nervously for (Y/N) to look at what they were wearing, "Oohhhhh. That's what these are." They were then grabbed to be taken to a school as they were separated. (Y/N) was put into a classroom by a guard, "Here's another one." Everyone looked at him for the teacher to speak up, "Who are you?" (Y/N) bowed a little as he followed the Fire Nation's mannerisms, "My name is Haruki." "Well Haruki, maybe next time you'll arrive on time. Take a seat."

(Y/N) looked around the classroom to spot a desk near the front, so he quickly sat down for the teacher to begin class. Some time passed for the teacher to begin asking the class a few questions. She pointed at a boy, "When was the first ever Fire Lord appointed?" The boy broke out of his day dreaming to look around, "Oh, uh, when the Fire Nation was found." "The Fire Nation was not founded it was made. And I am looking for a year." The teacher looked around a again to call on (Y/N), "The Fire Nation was created with all of the borders decided in the year thirty BG with the first Fire Lord taking the throne a month later." The teacher wrote down what he said, "Very good Haruki." For the rest of class (Y/N) took it easy as he tried to look invested, despite the fact that he already knew most of what was being taught.

After the class it was time for a different subject that required them to move to a different room. (Y/N) discovered it was a dueling class and today was the first day they were learning the basic movements fighting, like a strong defensive stance. (Y/N) was having a very difficult time trying to look like the other students as they had no idea what they were doing. Afterwards it was back to learning more about the Fire Nation, to which bored (Y/N) out of his mind from having to learn all of this information for the second time. 

After a few hours school finally let out for (Y/N) to quickly make his way to the courtyard as he stretched. As he was walking out he noticed Aang talking to a girl around his age, for an older boy to walk to the girl and put his arm around her. Aang bowed a little with his left hand in a fist against the bottom of his right palm. (Y/N) walked up to the group as Aang looked up at the stranger, "You must be one of the popular kids that I've been hearing about." The boy gave off a snarky smile, "That's right. Now listen friend, I know that you're from the colonies so I'll say this slowly." He then got in Aang's face, "Anji is my girlfriend." The popular boy poked Aang's chest, "Don't forget it."

(Y/N) walked up to the group stand next to Aang, "Is everything all right here?" The boy looked at (Y/N) as he noticed that he was a grade higher than him. The boy turned around for Anji to turn with him. They started walking away for the boy to look back at Aang, "Just remember what I said." (Y/N) looked at Aang, "What was that about?" Aang shrugged, "I have no idea." A boy Aang's age then walked up to the two as he looked at Aang, "Do you guys wanna play hide and explode?" Aang smiled, "I would love to." Aang looked at (Y/N), "You want to come?" (Y/N) crossed his arms, "We should probably hurry home a soon as possible. But I haven't played hide and explode in a long time." 

A few hours later it was getting dark for (Y/N) and Aang to return to the cave. Toph and Katara were all sitting around a campfire, as Sokka checked their supplies, while Appa rested against the left wall of the cave. Katara was the first to spot the two, "Where have you two been? We've been worried sick." Aang took off his headband, "We got invited to play with some kids after school." Sokka quickly made his way to the campfire, "I'm sorry, after what?!" (Y/N) sat down next to the fire, "We enrolled in a Fire Nation school." Aang put his hands on his hips, "And we're going back tomorrow." Sokka put his hands on his head to bring them down to his sides as his fingers twitched, "Enrolled in what?!" He then fell over like he was dead.

The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar The Last Airbender x Male Reader) [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now