Get me food b!tch!!!- Kirikamibaku

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Unfortunately Katsuki had reached that time of the month, her two girlfriends knew the change in moods from Katsuki and knew instantly that this week was going to be more difficult then they expected.

Warning: Genderbended KiriKamiBaku, mentions of blood (obviously)

No one's POV

*beep beep*

The sound of Katsuki's alarm going off. It was 7:00am on a Saturday and Katsuki was now getting out of bed, but when she got up she felt an uncomfortable feeling. 'Shit' was the only thing running through her head as she rushed to the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet and saw the last thing she wanted to see. Blood, yes Katsuki was on her period and she was not having it, she was annoyed af. She changed her underwear and put on a pad, soon chucking her bloody underwear in the washing machine.

Katsuki was starting to get cramps and she was also starting to regret living. She was lying on the bed holding her stomach as she felt the pain increase. She soon got hungry and decided to leave the room to get some food. She made her way to the kitchen, being greeted with the sight of her two girlfriends. There was another girl with blonde hair, and black strips at the front of her, that was sitting on a chair next to the table while playing on her phone. The other girl which had bright red hair, was currently making pancakes. The two smiled at her as she walked into the room but Katsuki responded with nothing which made the two confused and concerned.

"Baby are you ok?" Kiri said but once again only being returned with silence.
"Babe" Kami spoke
"Yeah I'm Fine" Katsuki spoke, annoyance flowing through her words.

The girls knew exactly what was happening now and almost immediately started helping Katsuki out. Kiri made some food for Katsuki whereas Kami got some movies and a bunch of pillows to help Katsuki with the pain. Katsuki only sighed as she was soon being pushed back to the shared bedroom and then pushed into the soft bed where there was now a bunch of fluffy pillows. Katsuki was now snuggling a pillow, already feeling comfortable. Kami came into the room with ten different movies in which all Katsuki loves, she asked Katsuki which one she wanted to watch first and so Katsuki chose one of the movies.

Kiri was currently making food outside in the kitchen, she was making sweet things but also spicy. After about 20 mins she was done, she decided to grab some snacks as well and of course she grabbed some popcorn, which she heated up and then poured into a bowl. There was a lot of food so she yelled out to Kami for help. Kami had come as quickly as she could and helped the red head out.

Now all the girls were sitting on their shared bed while watching the movie. Katsuki was sitting in the middle, snuggling a pillow, Kami was on Katsuki's left side, resting her head on Katsuki's shoulder and Kiri was on the right side, holding onto Katsuki's waist while also laying her head on Katsuki's shoulder. All the girls were now comfortable and Katsuki was now happy, she'd still feel the pain of her cramps but now it's not as bad because her girlfriends are with her and luckily her girlfriends are the best girlfriends ever, sometimes she doesn't understand how she got such loving partners. 

The girls were currently watching the second movie and it was even more funnier. Katsuki was yelling at the screen trying to tell the main characters to stop being stupid and then soon giving up because they obviously didn't have brains. While Katsuki was screaming both of her girlfriends were laughing their asses, Kami was crying of laughter and Kiri was trying to catch her breath due to her wheezing because she was laughing too hard. 

Katsuki was beginning to feel tired and was slowly closing her eyes but she tried everything to stay awake so that she wouldn't fall asleep so early. Kiri noticed this and told Katsuki that she could sleep, at first Katsuki disagreed but after awhile she gave in and lied down on the bed and closed her eyes. After sometime their was soft little snores that could be heard, the two girls laughed and smiled at their cute girlfriend as she slept. They both knew that the week was going to be a long one but if it means hanging out with their girlfriend then they don't mind in the slightest. They both smiled at each other and pecked each other's lips and then layer down besides Katsuki, both holding onto her waist. Kami was spooning Katsuki from behind and Kiri was holding Katsuki as Katsuki was now resting her head on Kiri's neck.

The two girls had closed their eyes and after a couple minutes all were asleep, holding onto another as they slept. All were comfortable and happy, they wouldn't move even if they had to. The three loved each other and none of them would ever plan on leaving each other.

Ok so yeah here is a KiriKamiBaku story. I know I have to continue my TodoKiriDekuBaku series and my ShinBaku series but I'm not in the mood and just don't have energy so those might take sometime but I'll be posting things like these because this is a oneshot book after all. Anyways hope you enjoyed and hope you have a good night/day 😁

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