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Long time ago there was a prince that was extremely powerful and handsome, all the girls wanted to be with him but he had eyes for one person and that person was his butler and best friend since birth... Katsuki Bakugou. But what if one day he and his butler went missing and were never to be found again.
Warning: Mentions of Abuse, harsh words
Also in this story Katsuki is older than Shoto

No one's POV

Shoto was in his room once again with fresh cuts and bruises on his back. He hissed in pain when Katsuki was dabbing the medicine on his cuts. He had gotten used to the abuse that his father does to him but today was extremely painful since his father had reopened some of his recent scars. "Shoto I know it hurts but you need to relax so that I can apply the medicine to your cuts" Katsuki said in a quite calm and delicate voice so that Shoto calms down. "I'll try" he said giving Katsuki a weak smile which Katsuki returned.

After a while Katsuki had applied medicine to all the cuts and had put some bandages on areas that had deeper cuts. "Ok Shoto please try to rest so that the bruises and cuts heal" Katsuki said while packing his aid kit up. "I will" Shoto said placing his head on the soft, fluffed, white pillow, closing his eyes as he felt a big wave of tiredness hit him. Katsuki Began to leave the room but took one last look at the younger boy with a worried look. "Ugh I hope this will finish soon and he'll be in peace" Katsuki shut the door and walked away from Shoto's room.

In the afternoon Shoto was awoken by a banging at his door "Prince Todoroki your father has requested for you to be in the dining room in an hour, he says he has something important to discuss with you" A knight had said and then soon walked away being able to hear the metal armour he wore move around. Shoto got up with a grunt not wanting to leave his comfortable bed "I guess it's time to get out of bed" he says swinging his legs over the side of his bed and then standing up. He walked to his closet and got a pair of royal attire and began to get dressed. Once finished he brushed his hair and then placed his gold, shiny, royal crown delicately on his head. He left his room and began walking to the dining room.

"You're lucky you're on time Shoto" His father said in a voice that infuriated Shoto. Shoto didn't respond to his father and instead sat down in his seat, making sure to contain good posture. "What is the important thing you wanted to discuss?" Shoto said in an emotionless tone. His father looked at him directly and said "You are soon to turn 18 so I have discussed with the other kingdoms and you are to now marry the princess of the East" Shoto was shocked and began to rage at what his father had said "Over my dead body" (lmao no he didn't say that) "How dare you father I will not agree to this, I don't want to marry someone I don't love!" His father slammed his hands on the table and yelled "it's not your choice I have already said so and that's final!!" Shoto was still mad and decided to storm off back to his room. "Where do you think you're going Shoto I didn't dismiss you from the table!" His father yelled again, walking the same way Shoto was going.

Shoto's POV

I couldn't believe it, how dare he decide to force me into marriage, I don't even know her well, I don't even like her, I don't even like girls. I was storming madly to my room when all of a sudden I saw my angel. I grabbed his arm and bring him to my room then locked the door. "Are you ok Shoto, what did he do to you, are you hurt again?" Katsuki looked up at me with a worried expression "I'm not hurt but I've decided to leave this castle for good and I wanted to know if you would come with me" he looked confused "you want to run away, with me?" I nodded and then wrapped my arms around his waist "Katsuki dear you know how much I love you so please join me on my mission of escaping this terrible place I am supposed to call home" he looked up at me and then looked into my eyes to see if I was lying "fine I will join you my prince but where are we to run to?" I pointed to the north, he understood what I was trying to say and nodded "the north kingdom is the most trusted place for now since they are the furthest from here" he nodded once again and then said "but how will we survive without other clothes and how will we fit in?" He asked "I have some trusted friends there that can help don't worry my darling, right now any place is safer than here" he smiled at me and whispered an ok which made me smile.

It was now midnight which means we have an hour left until we leave the kingdom. The reason we don't leave now is because there is still knights patrolling around the kingdom right now but in an hours time they will go to patrol the inside. Me and Katsuki are currently on the first floor at the back of the kingdom preparing our bags with all the stuff we need. "Have you finished packing darling?" "Yes, have you?" I simply replied with a nod "you look beautiful under the stars darling" I said staring at the stunning view in front of my eyes. He smiled which made him look even more enchanting, I kissed his forehead as I saw his expression of worry. He then kissed my lips which made my heart light up. "I love you my prince, I hope we will be able to be lovers for the years to come even if it is forbidden" I held his hands and said "even though it is said that our love is forbidden I will never leave your side and I will carry you and hold you in my arms for as long as I can" he kissed me again but more passionately and I did the same. Soon the clock had struck 1:00 am and we looked at each other and smiled then we ran off into the darkness of the woods never to be seen by anyone from my kingdom ever again.

The story of two boys one a prince and one a butler but each one had a strong bond for the other which was known as forbidden and that forbidden bond was a thing called Love

How was that? I quite enjoyed writing it but it's up to you guys if the story was good. Well hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter, next one will be out tomorrow anygay bye hope you have a good night/day 😁

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