Serominabaku- Dance Lessons

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Idk the ship name since I don't think I've ever seen this ship.

Bakugou needed to learn how to dance for his Cousins birthday but didn't know how. He didn't have enough money for dance lessons and watching video wouldn't help quick enough, luckily for him 2 of his friends were amazing at dancing. He ended up having to ask them which they of course agreed to.

Katsuki's POV

My mum just called me and said that my cousin has invited us to their party which I was really happy about until I heard that I needed to know how to dance. I'm terrible at dancing, I've never once danced well maybe I have but it wasn't good. I don't know what to do, the dance is in a weeks time and there's no way a dance video could help me in that time and I'm not wasting my money on lessons. "Ahhh what the fuck am I going to do!" I yelled

*knock knock*

"Who is it?" I asked annoyed "It's just me, Mina" Mina said "fine you can come in" she opened the door and entered the room, sitting next to Katsuki on his bed. "I heard you yell, are you ok" she said looking at me worried "I always yell, what do you mean?" I said still looking at the floor "I know but you sounded stress when you yelled" I mumbled quietly "yeah you could say that" she held my hand "bakubae what's wrong do you need help?" I looked up at her "don't tell anyone ok" she nodded "well my cousin's birthday is soon and normally they always has a dance floor so everyone can dance but I never learned how to dance so I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do" I said. Mina's face lit up with excitement "what if me and Sero help" she said "you guys know how to dance" she pretended as if someone shot her and fell backwards on the bed "uh I have been shot" I looked at her confused which she noticed and replied "yes KitKat we know how to dance, we actually do dancing lessons for free." I was shocked whereas she had a smug face on pretty much screaming 'yeah that's right, I know I'm amazing' I didn't know if I should ask for help or not, well if I don't then I'm going to look like an idiot in front of my whole family. "Ok I'll let you guys help me learn how to dance" she smiled and hugged me tightly "yes my baby is going to learn how to dance"

Mina immediately took my arm and dragged me to a room I've never seen before. It looked so cool "welcome to the dance studio" this was the dance studio "wow" I said looking all around the room. "Hi Mina why is Bakugou here?" Sero asked "oh well he needs help with dancing for an event coming up" Mina said "ok cool, well I'd be glad to help" Sero said walking closer to us. "Well I guess we could learn some simple hip hop" (I do hip hop so that's why I'm writing this) "oh yes, that would be fun" Mina said dragging me again to the middle of the room. "Ok well let's get started"

No one's POV

Katsuki learned how to shuffle. Placing one foot forward and sliding it back then doing the same with the other foot after,continuously doing those steps over and over until it looked smooth.

He then learned how to body roll. Tilting his up and then leaning backwards popping out his chest then rolling his shoulders down and then bringing his stomach back. Then again he repeated joining those actions together learning how to make it look smooth.

The rest of the day he learned how to do many simple dance moves. In between getting compliments by the two others. Turns out he was a very quick learner so he ended up learning a whole choreography that Mina teaches to beginners. "Good job Bakubae, you really are awesome at everything" she said handing him some water. "Yes she's right mi amor you did great at dancing today" Sero said from behind while hugging Katsuki's waist. "Thanks" Katsuki's said with blush covering his face. "Aww your so cute" Mina squealed. "Shut up!" Katsuki yelled while pouting. Mina fake fainted, dramatically putting her tongue out and placing a hand over her head. "Guess she couldn't handle you cuteness mi amor, how about you give her a kiss to make her feel better" Sero said still hugging Katsuki from behind. Katsuki blushed dangerously red and put his face on Sero's neck because of embarrassment. "Come on save her mr number 1 hero" he said while chuckling. Katsuki got out of Sero's grip and walked to where Mina was lying and got down onto his knees. He put his face near hers and then placed a kiss on her cheek. Almost immediately Mina opened her eyes and hugged Katsuki once again "aww my hero, I have been saved" she said almost killing Katsuki due to her grip being so tight. "Omg you're going to kill him Mina" Sero said laughing "oh sorry" she said letting go of Katsuki. Katsuki let out a sigh of relief making the other two laugh. "I survived" Katsuki said making the other two almost die of laughter. "You're adorable" Sero said "agreed" Mina replied quickly "yeah yeah whatever" Katsuki said rolling his eyes.

The two walked to Katsuki and tackled him to the floor with a hug. "Omg what's up with the hugs" Katsuki yelled getting a chuckle out of the two. "Nothing much we just love you and your cuteness" Mina calmly said. Sero nodded closing his eyes. "I love you guys too" Katsuki mumbled also closing his eyes. "Tsundere Kat" Mina laughed from behind "shut up before I hit you in the head!" Katsuki yelled with annoyance "you're only proving my point more" Mina said resting her head in Katsuki's neck "hmpf" Katsuki let out a sound of anger and then fell asleep with the two hugging him.

Well there you go, I've really lost motivation I honestly don't know what to write and what ship to write so sorry if I don't publish in a while. But I'll still reply to your comments and no this book is not going to be discontinued it's just high school is really getting in the way and I can't think of ideas right now. I'll still be updating but they might be bigger waits anyway hope you guys have a good nigh/day 😁

One of my new drawings, if you don't know the dream Smp then you might not know who this is but this man is Dream and I literally love drawing him

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One of my new drawings, if you don't know the dream Smp then you might not know who this is but this man is Dream and I literally love drawing him.

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