39 | 'Altar'cations

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They of the Sun
Chapter Thirty-Nine: 'Altar'cations

      "This is as far as I can accompany you," Hapu said as she stayed back, doubled over into a bow. I felt myself straighten in surprise. No one in any position of power bowed to a lowly grunt like me. "I have duties to attend to as the Kahuna, whatever lies beyond... the Tapu will guide you. Lillie, you have been lovely," Hapu grinned before puckering her lips and raising a thick brow at me, "Cyra... you could take some notes."

     It was always a surprise to see my eyes had not gotten stuck at the back of my head when I rolled them. They really should've by now. She smiled, hoisting herself up onto her Mudsdale and with a wave, she spurred her equine creature forward. We stood there as the echoing of its hooves grew more and more distant. I clicked my tongue, turning to look into the cavern, it was wide enough for us to enter side-by-side. Past this cave was the Altar of the Sunne. Easy-peasy. Right?

     I'm sure I'm wrong.

     "Do you hear that?" Hau whispered, adjusting his backpack by the straps. It's as if everyone leaned forward, straining our ears for the sound of... anything really. At once we deflated when we were met with nothing but absolute silence. Not even the chirp of a Pikipek. Oddly, it made my heart twist with nerves. The spinning thoughts set in right as Sen gently yanked his friend's short ponytail, scolding him, "It's literally nothing! Don't stress us out like that."

     Hau mumbled a few "ow"s, rubbing the back of his head, following as Sen led the way. Being in a dark cave sent us on edge, it was more than the cave itself. Maybe it was the lingering feeling of not knowing what we would find ahead of us. I kept listening for an inkling of what Hau had heard. There was only our footsteps kicking up rocks and the occasional whisper between Lillie and Gladion. Nova sat quietly in my bag, peering out with the same curiosity Nebby had once upon a time. None of us said another word for a while feeling a presence grow heavy in the area; fear.

     Sen saw it before the rest of us, bursting into a jog. Lillie quickly followed without hesitation and Gladion checked over his shoulder to see if I had run away yet. He looked away the moment our eyes met as if he wasn't meaning to be caught. A secret. I pretended it didn't happen, picking up my own pace to keep up with the rest of the group. Arceus, I hated running unless it was from my problems. Hah. My eyes widened at the scene I came across.

     Before us lay a massive Dragon-Type, covered in layered silver and gold scales and thick blood. It's eyes watched Sen as he kneeled beside the armored creature with concern, examining each wound and bruise. It's mouth hung partially open to allow shallow breathing, smelling of charred meat and bone. Lillie covered her nose while I pretended not to notice. If it weren't for the faint rising and lowering of the dragon's soft belly, it would've looked dead. "Not dead, but fainted.... And look," Sen pointed along the walls, following a path of rock that had been blasted out. Fresh scorch marks surrounded it. The signs of a fight.

     "Kommo-o," My Rotomdex burst to life from my bag, taking a scan. "The ZZzz-Scaly Pokemon. This one is in no condition to battle. Zzztt! Proceed with caution."

     Lillie, slow and gentle, tended to the wounds she could with the items she had. Not much was left of the Revives and Potions we'd brought along with us.

     "It's a Totem." I said, noticing the glowing energy radiating from the beast and the nearby dais, carved from the same stone as the cavern, where a familiar shaped stone floated. Hau had beat me to it, standing right over the floating Z-Crystal. His eyes full of wonder for a moment, his head snapping up in the direction we had been heading towards. Again, I closed my eyes, trying to pull the sounds to me. Not far ahead there were the faint, clashing shouts of a battle and I gasped. Someone was already here. Fighting our fight. Fighting my fight. Hau's holler was white noise in my ears, my heart hammering away in my chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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