Chapter eleven

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It was the next morning, Clay woke up before George. He looked down and saw George sleeping peacefully. He smiled to himself and started playing with his hair to wake him up.

George slowly blinked, and saw Clay looking at him. "Good morning.", the blonde said looking at George smiling. George smiled back, "Good morning!". The brit yawned.

They talked for a few minutes until Brie and Sapnap showed up. "Hey love birds." Brie said winking at George and Clay. George rolled his eyes and got up. "Noo stay." Clay looked at the brunette and pulled him back in bed.

"Clay we have to get up." George laughed trying to get out of bed again, Clay not letting him and grabbing onto him tighter. "My god just get together already." Brie said laughing. "I agree, they'd be cute together, right?" Sapnap started looking at Brie.

"Right! They're just blind." Brie rolled her eyes laughing. "Uh, we're right here you know." Brie and Sapnap both turned at the two boys laying in bed. "We know." Both Brie and Sapnap said at the same time.

"Okay okay whatever, let's get breakfast." George started, finally being able to get out of bed. George, Brie and Sapnap went to get breakfast for themselves and Clay. They came back and ate.

- Time skip at noon -

Clay was able to go home. George was driving Brie to her place with Clay, Sapnap got in his own car and went home. "Okay so where do you live?" George asked, eyes on the road.

"Oh um I'm staying at this hotel right now.." Brie said, she seemed embarrassed telling George. "Why?" George looked through his mirror to look at Brie.

"I got kicked out by my parents, I don't have anywhere to go so I went to a hotel for now." She looked down. She seemed disappointed and hated living at that hotel.

"Nope, we're getting your stuff and your living at my place." George offered, he smiled at her. Brie looked up at him surprised. "You would do that?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Brie smiled, and had small tears forming in her eyes. "Wow thank you, don't worry I won't be there for long. I'll get a new place soon."

"No Brie, I'm saying you can move in with me. I have another bedroom and I don't use it. We can be roommates!"

"Oh my god! We're gonna have so much fun!" Brie said hopping excitedly in her seat. "Please don't kiss again." Clay said looking at both of them. George rolled his eyes playfully.

"Why? Would you get jealous AGAIN?" Brie said, teasing Clay. "Pfft noo." Clay rolled his eyes. "Oh you so would get jealous." George laughed. "Alright George, would YOU get jealous if I kissed Brie?"

Brie had a disgusted look on her face, "Sorry dude I'm a lesbian." Clay turned to look at her with his mouth wide open. "You literally kissed George!!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, but I wouldn't kiss you. No offense." Brie said smiling sarcastically. Clay rolled his eyes and looked back at the road. "And to answer your question Clay, no I wouldn't get jealous." George said, he didn't want to lie to Clay, but he couldn't let him know he would get jealous.

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