Noah adjusted in his seat. He wanted to help but really didn't know how to. Tommy and Nanci walked into the office carrying the gear and he stood quickly.

"Hey, I'm sorry guys I should have helped." TK said.

"I'm a parent too TK, you were running slow in my opinion." Tommy laughed.

TK nodded and kneeled next to Bailey again.

"Okay Bails, let's see how many stitches you popped," He said, taking the gloves that Tommy offered to him. "Noah, I'm gonna have you move to Bailey's other side."

TK could see that Noah wanted to help so he gave him a job before focusing on Bailey's surgery sight. TK gently lifted his daughter's shirt and peeled back the bandage that was covering her incision. It wasn't bleeding profusely but it certainly was seeping a bit. The surgeon had closed the incision with twenty neat stitches before placing a new port. She'd popped at least four of them.

"Definitely four maybe more," TK said. "Let's get you to the hospital and figure out how much damage ya did."

Bailey leaned her head against the wall and squeezed her eyes shut. TK looked up at his daughter and his concern jumped when he saw tears shining on her cheeks.

"Hey kiddo." He said soothingly.

TK got up and Nanci took his place to put fresh gauze over Bailey's incision. TK ditched his gloves and sat next to his daughter, brushing his thumb over her cheeks to wipe away her tears.

"Bails, what's going on? Are you in pain?" He asked.

Bailey shook her head and drew in a shuttered breath.

"Then what's going on? Talk to me." TK said.

"I'm so sorry daddy." She said, leaning her head on TK's shoulder.

TK furrowed his brow, he looked to Noah but he shook his head, not knowing what Bailey meant either. He stepped away, giving his girlfriend and her father some privacy. Tommy stepped away to speak with Noah who was pacing the far end of the office nervously. Once Noah was away TK tried to get Bailey to elaborate.

"What are you sorry about Bails? I've popped a number of stitches in my time, it's nothing to apologize for." He said.

"I've caused so much trouble the past few weeks and now I've gone and done something stupid and-"

"Hey," TK said, cutting off Bailey's anxious rambling. Bailey looked up at him, tears still pooling in her eyes. "None of that. In no way have you caused trouble. You scared us, yes, I won't say you didn't but that's just a part of being in a family. Scary things happen and you roll with it," He said brushing her tears away again. "Now, let's get you loaded onto the ambulance and to the hospital so that we can get these stitches fixed up, okay?"

"Okay." Bailey mumbled.

TK stood, turning towards Mr. Cole who had come out of one of the offices.

"Mr. Cole, TK Strand." He said, extending a hand.

"Good to officially meet you Mr. Strand." Mr. Cole said, shaking TK's hand.

"We're going to take Bailey to the hospital to get stitched up. Thank you again for calling me." TK said.

Mr. Cole nodded.

"We've already alerted her teachers for the remainder of the day and let them know that her attendance will be excused," Mr. Cole said. "Best of luck to you."

"Thank you, sir." TK replied.

TK smiled and turned back to Bailey.

"Okay Bails, let's get goin'." He said.

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