"Well, for now let's just have fun with our family and friends and get some candy." Carlos said.

            Bailey nodded. By the time they'd gotten close enough to the group to be able to see faces Bailey had calmed down and her smile had returned. The 126 stood together in a group on the edge of the gathering. Unbeknownst to Bailey they had chosen to remain on the outskirts of the gathering partially for her, knowing that she liked to be on the edge of a crowd if she couldn't avoid the crowd all together.

"Would you look at that," Owen smiled, seeing the trio walk up to them. "It's a first responder triad."

            Bailey smiled.

"I borrowed the shirt from Grace." She said, her hands playing at the hem of the 9-1-1 dispatcher polo that Grace had given to her the week before.

            Owen smiled.

"Well, I think you look great," He said. "All of you do."

"Thanks dad." TK smiled.

            It wasn't a moment later when Bailey was pulled into a game with Mateo, Paul, and Marjan. TK and Carlos watched as she sat and talked and laughed. Bailey turned to them and smiled.

"Come on." She called, waving them over.

            TK laughed.

"I believe we're being summoned." He said.

            Carlos looked at his boyfriend and laughed.

"For some reason, this is a feeling that I could get used to." He said.

            TK nodded.

"Me too." He agreed.


"I'm gonna get some food." Bailey said, standing up from the picnic table.

"Okay," TK said. "You know where it is?"

            Bailey nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She said.

"Alright kiddo." TK said.

            Bailey made her way over to the table, weaving around groups and families. Finally though she was able to get to the table. She picked up a plate and started to build herself a nice variety.

"What are you doing here?" Somebody spoke up.

            Bailey looked up from the food table and turned to see a group of kids from her school.

"Um, hi." She said as they approached. Bailey put her plate back down on the table and moved away.

"I asked you a question." The tallest boy said. "Why are you here?"

            Bailey cleared her throat and straightened.

"My family," Bailey said. "They're first responders."

            The boy laughed.

"Oh," He said. "See, but I thought your family was dead."

            Bailey's breath caught in her throat and tears pricked at the back of her eyes. Whywould they know that? How do they know that?

"Just leave me alone." Bailey said, picking up her plate and walking back around the table to head back towards the 126.

"Now hold on a minute," Another one of the boys said, stepping in front of Bailey, blocking her path. "We want to talk to you."

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