TK: Hey babe, any idea if you'll be able to get out of there?

            TK held his phone in his lap as they made their way through the Austin streets. He hopped that this would cheer Bailey up.

Carlos: Mitchell pulled some strings so I am on my way to the school. I'm in the cruiser so this should be...interesting.

TK: We've got a ladder truck and the ambulance, safe to say you won't feel out of place.

Carlos: Lol. No, I suppose I won't. I'm leaving now, should be there in about 5 or 10 minutes.

TK: Okay babe, looking forward to seeing you. But I think I'm more excited to see the look on our girl's face when she sees this, lol.

Carlos: Lol, I'm with you there. It feels so right saying that she's our girl.

TK: I couldn't agree more.


            Bailey sighed, sinking down in her seat just as the bell rang to signal to start the last forty-five hellish minutes of the day. She tended to drift towards the back of the classroom so that she didn't have to worry about people being behind her. She could see everybody but not everybody could see her, perfect. It of course didn't stop the other teens from throwing comments or pocking at her when they had the chance but it was less.

"Bailey are you paying attention." Her teacher called.

            Bailey's eyes shot to the front of the room. When had the other students gotten there? When had the teacher started the lesson.

"Um, no sorry, I must have zoned out for a moment. I'm sorry Mrs. Kennedy." Bailey apologized quickly.

            Mrs. Kennedy sighed, her mouth dropping in a disappointed frown.

"Pay attention please, we don't want to have a problem, do we?" She asked.

"No ma'am." Bailey said quickly.

"Good, we don't need it to go further than this." She said.

            Bailey nodded and ducked into her seat. A few students around the room snickered, for some reason when somebody was called out by the teacher for something it became the funniest thing in the world, why? The world may never know.

"Sure you don't need to call her parole officer?" Somebody spoke up.

            More laughter filled the room and Bailey just ducked farther down in her seat, her face blushing a deep breath.

"Connor!" Mrs. Kennedy snapped. "Not appropriate, not necessary, not again."

"Yes ma'am." Connor replied, but he couldn't hide the smile playing at the side of his mouth.

            Bailey rested her forehead on her arms. God please let this hell end.


            The 126 parked on the side of the parking lot and it wasn't long before Carlos pulled up near them too. They all meandered around for a while goofing around and shoving each other playfully while they waited for the final bell. Carlos and TK drifted together, waiting for their daughter to come out and find them here to pick her up. Finally, the bell rang and kids started filtering through the doors.


            When the bell rang, Bailey just about burst into tears. It was over, the day was over. She just wanted to go home and get a big hug from Carlos or Tk, or both and then promptly never leave her room. She had planned her escape very thoroughly, no need to stop by her locker, just aim for the doors and go. Unfortunately, fate didn't seem to be on her side and as soon as she was in view of the doors, the crowd seemed to thicken and slow to a halt. It was like moving through molasses, the way everybody was walking.

"What in the hell is happening?" She muttered, as she finally made it through the doors and was able to break away from the group.

            Bailey looked around the parking lot to see what had caught everybody's attention and her question was inevitably answered she saw the fire truck with big white numbers labeling the house as 126. A smile couldn't help but find its way onto Bailey's face when she saw everybody there waiting, TK and Carlos at the head of the pack, hand-in-hand. They smiled when they saw her and Bailey walked over to them and straight into their arms.

"Hi mija." Carlos said.

"Hi." She muttered, a deep breath leaving her as she felt comfort washing over her tense body.

            Bailey looked around at everybody and smiled.

"Thanks for coming to get me." She said.

            Judd laughed.

"We're a family, Bails," He said. "I'm all for shutting up some pesky teenagers."

            Bailey laughed and looked back at the gaping teens not too far off.

"I think they're bordering curious right now." She said.

            Owen stepped up this time.

"We've got time," He said and then turned to the high schoolers. "Who wants to look through a fire truck?"

            Bailey laughed and looked around at all of the members of the 126, both TK and Carlos having a hand on each of her shoulders. God, she loved her family.

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