Mirror Mirror

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Mirror Mirror

"Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all?"

"Definitely not you, I wish you'd stop looking in me because no matter how many times you look you'll always make their skins crawl."

"Mirror mirror on the wall why are you so mean to me?"

"Poor child can't you see, there's nothing beautiful about you; you're worthless, should have never been made."

"Mirror mirror on the wall can't you stop hurting me? This isn't good for who I want to be"

"You'll never be anything more than you already are: an ugly disappointment, nothing but a fraud."

"Mirror mirror please be gentle; I need your help to take care of my mental."

"My help you say well I want something from you too, I want you to never look in me again because your ugliness might make me scream; fall to pieces and wish that this was all a dream."

"Mirror mirror please don't say that, don't leave me because without you I'll be like a needle in a haystack!"

"My purpose is to reflect beauty and that is something you will never have so truly; I do not care what you do from here. Continue to hate yourself because in every one there should be beauty but you are worth so little not even beauty, thinks highly of you."

"Mirror mirror I believe you but please stay because I need you anyway, to remind me that I am nothing especially on the days that I begin to believe I could be worth half as much of a dime."


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