chapter 10

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"I..krist, you already know it, I broke up with you because I loved my career more" singto said trying his best to look cold not meeting krist in the eyes

Krist's father looked at Krist's mother as if pleased by singto's answer

"For once p'singto, for one fucking time don't lie!" Krist yelled

"Son....." Krist's father was cut by Krist

"I never expected you to be the villain of my story dad" krist said

"Son, you heard him right? he told you that his career is more important for him" Krist's father said

Singto bowed his head, his heart was yelling at him, scolding him for lying again. He wanted to hug his kit and tell him how much he still loves him and that he can never love anything more than krist.....but he stood quiet, and only god knows why

"Is it? OK then, p'singto I want you to look into my eyes and tell me that you don't love me" krist ordered

"Krist, this is not some sort of a Korean drama, these stupid love tests don't work" Krist's father said

"This is your problem dad" krist said turning to face his father

"Huh?" His father asked confused

"You always, always believe that only your point of view is correct. You never care about others feelings, others views, nothing! And you tell me that p'singto is selfish, what are you then dad? You want me to marry a girl, because that's a normal life according to you. Firstly what on earth is normal life? If I love a man, being a man, does it mean that I am abnormal? Marrying a woman and having two children is no symbol of normality. You want grandchildren right? We can adopt children, can't we? There are many other ways too, but you never thought of thinking about them and just simple decided to end it" Krist said it all crying

"Krist.... Calm down" his mother said

She was crying too, seeing her son in such a condition was breaking her heart. She already told Krist's father to not proceed his plan of separating krist and singto but he didn't obey her

"How shall I mom? Why does dad always decide things for me, I'm not a kid anymore, I'm a 26 year old man, am I not big enough to decide things for me?" Krist asked

"Krist...listen to me, your parents just want you to have a good future" singto said

"For one fucking time p'singto, just stop! I don't understand why does everyone has to decide things for me? Why can't I do it for myself? I love you and that's it, end of discussion, why can't it be this way? I don't know why you agreed onto this stupid idea at first place, but all I now want to say is that, I am going to do what I feel like and there is no one who can stop me, get it?" Krist asked

"Krist...please, you are emotional right now and thus are behaving this way, you will regret it tomorrow" singto said

"I won't! I am not drunk Mr prachaya, I am in complete consciousness" Krist said

"What do you want to do krist?" Krist's father asked

"I want you to set me free, to let me do what I want to" Krist said

"OK then, I let you do what you want, but I will do what I want" Krist's father said

"What are going to do?" Krist's mother asked scared

"If you love singto and want to marry him, then okay, go ahead. But then please assume yourself to be an orphan, because I can't stand it" Krist's father said

Krist's heart stopped beating for a while. Is he that of a shame on his family? His dad wants to leave him?

"What are you even saying? He is our son, you can't say him that" Krist's mother pleaded

"If he is big enough to make such big decision in life, then I should be allowed too, shouldn't I?" Krist's father asked

"Sir, please don't do this, he is just angry and his emotions are taking over him. It will all be good by tomorrow" singto said

"I hope what you are saying is true" Krist's father said and walked away followed by Krist's mother begging him to change his decision

"Krist....I am sure you don't want to loose your parents right? Just go and apologize it will all be fine" singto advised

"Do you love me p?" Krist asked looking into singto's eyes

"What kind of a question is this krist?" Singto asked not wanting to answer

"Do you?" Krist asked

"Krist I do" singto admitted

He knew krist won't let him go until he replies and so he gave up, it was all out, however

"Why didn't you tell me p? The time that we wasted in trying to hate each other would have been saved" Krist said walking towards singto

"Krist, your parents will leave you just go to them" singto said

"For once, please be selfish p, please tell me to stay with you. You know right, I only want one signal from you to do anything" Krist pleased

"Your family?" Singto asked

"They will all understand us p, it might take time but they will" Krist said

Singto closed his eyes as if trying to lie again, to let go of Krist, but something in him told him to be selfish and so..

"Stay with me kit" singto sighed

The name kit bought peace to bother their souls. That's it, that's the only thing krist wanted to never let go of his p again. Hugging each other tight, both of them poured their heart out, crying at each others shoulder. Will the fate let them be each other's again?

Its funny how artistic we become, when out hearts are broken 💔..

I purple you 💜

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