chapter 21

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Everyone was gathered in the living room. It looked nothing less than a high court meeting, there was a judge (Krist's father) ready to announce his decision. A lawyer (Krist's mother) trying her best to support the boys and two victims (krist and singto) hoping the decision is in their favour

"Will we stop this stupid anxious atmosphere?" Krist's mother asked

"Yeah mom, dad please just tell us what it is already" krist requested

"OK then, I have thought about it a lot. These last six days i have used my brain to the fullest. I have noticed you both together, your behaviour towards each other and everything else. If I think about everything and mainly the way singto behaved with me even when I was more than cruel towards him, when I talked about his dad, he was still quiet. He always apologized to me for what krist did, even though he knew he wouldn't get a sweet reply. So, I do accept you both" krist's father announced

Krist's mother clapped her hands in excitement and hugged her husband tight thanking him repeatedly

Krist and singto were shocked and happy too, krist immediately hugged his singto and singto hugged him back. Breaking the hug krist hugged his parents. Thanked his father tons of times, singto hugged Krist's mother too and thanked krist's father for accepting them

"You both convinced me, but what about the world?" Krist's father asked

"I don't care about anyone until you and mom are with me and after all you both are my world" krist said smiling

"My cheesy son!" Krist's father said

The room echoed with laughter for the first time in the last six days

"I still have a question" krist's father said

"What now?" Krist asked

"Am I getting the dowry or am I supposed to give the dowry?" Krist's father asked smiling playfully

Singto laughed and krist immediately turned red. The question simply meant, who is the top and who is the bottom?

"Well, you probably will be getting the dowry uncle" singto said chuckling

Keits blushed even more

Krist's mother laughed at their reaction

"I expected it....anyways I have a simple thing to ask for" Krist's father said

"That is?" Singto asked

"10 durian monthong" Krist's father said

"Huh?" Singto asked confused

"Wasn't I clear?" Krist father asked

"You were...that's.. I mean you will get it tomorrow itself uncle" singto chuckled

Krist laughed too, the request from his dad was so cute. Krist's mother smiled lovingly at the boys

"We probably will need to meet your dad too singto, call him here whenever he is free" Krist's mother said

"Did anyone ask for me?" A voice from behind asked

Everyone turned around to find singto's father walking in with a smile on his face

Everyone was shocked would be an understatement. Singto quickly walked to his father and hugged him tight

Krist waied to him and so did Krist's parents. Singto's father greeted everyone warmly

"What are you doing here?" Singto asked

"Well I called you a few days ago and you told me about this six days policy, so according to my calculation the six days should be over today and guess what I was right" singto's father explained

Everyone smiled at the explanation

"Take a seat, I will bring you tea" Krist's mother said walking to the kitchen

The four males made their way to the table and sat down taking

"I really loved what you said" singto's father said

"What?" Krist's father asked

"The 10 durian monthong" singto's father said

Krist's father chuckled

The room was then filled with laughters, chuckles and smiles. Everything was finally perfect! Singto and krist will be together forever and ever......

I'm not perfect. I say stupid things, I laugh when I'm not supposed to, I have scares left by people who did me wrong, I'm a little crazy, love me or not. But I promise that if I love you, I will do it with a full heart...💖

A/N --- That's where I end the story, I hope you liked it and you enjoyed the journey up till here

Let's meet soon in the next story!

I purple you 💜

Unfinished Tales 》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora