chapter 6

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"p'yui, I am sorry but I won't be a part of the series anymore. I just want to rest for a while, I have worked a lot lately" krist said

This was the most suitable excuse he could think of

"Krist, please stop your excuses in front of me, I know that its related to singto, he has backed off too and the director is really angry, but he is helpless because you both haven't signed the contract yet" p'yui replied angrily

"p know right.." Krist stammered

"I know, but I can't understand you krist. Why don't both of you place this in your mind that its work, only work. Everything cannot be taken personal" p'yui explained

"But p, he needs to think that too right? Why should only I do that?" Krist asked

"You try first, he might follow you" p'yui said

"I am really sorry p, I will sort out the problems soon" krist said and walked away

"What has happened to this little kid?" p'yui wondered

Krist was feeling so very low, and so he decided to go out, spending some time alone might help. Krist got dressed and decided to go for a walk, in the midnight it will be less noisy and a limited people

Singto was in his room drinking coffee, he has been addicted to coffee lately. He was thinking about backing off, from the series

When a thought suddenly struck his head, maybe spending a little time outside the house might help him to calm down, so he decided to go for a walk in the midnight. Obviously because it will be less noisy with only a limited people around and he loves the night time

At midnight

Krist was in the nearby garden, it was only a few kilometers away from his home. This single garden had a lot of memories of him, which he didn't want to remember but couldn't help himself

This garden was usually empty, because of the lack of sunlight and air here. So krist and singto usually spent their Sundays walking here, and talking about random stuff. It so happened one day that

"p'singto do you think our families will accept us?" Krist asked

"Hmm, where did you get this question from, kit?" Singto asked back

"Oh god, how many times have I told you to not question back, when I question you. Just answer" krist demanded

"OK, sorry. About your question, I am not sure about your family, but my papa will understand me, he will take time but he will eventually understand" singto explained smiling

"And what If my family didn't understand?" Krist asked

Krist looked scared

"Kit, please tell me is something bothering you?" Singto asked

"No p, just answer" krist said

"Then maybe, I would talk to them, and if they still don't understand, then I will take you to my house" singto said smirking

"Why are you never serious p?" Krist asked chuckling

"I am serious" singto said

"Leave it, I don't want to talk about it" krist said walking quickly

"Kit!" Singto called following him

Few tears escaped krist's eyes, at the beautiful memory of him and his p. How childish he used to be, and his p would never complain. Then suddenly he didn't like it anymore, those stupid reasons he gave made no sense to krist. But he had no other choice, than to accept that his p, didn't love him anymore

Singto was walking towards the garden he usually spent time in, with his beloved kit. It was near krist's home and so he was hesitating. But still he decided to spend some time there, with beautiful memories

Singto was on his way, when he heard his phone ring

"Yes p'jane?" Singto asked

"May I know, the problem now? Why have you and krist backed off from the project? And the biggest thing you never even thought of sharing the news with me?" P'Jane asked angrily

"I am really sorry p, I don't know about krist, but I have backed off, because. I can't stand krist anymore, its hard for me to see him hating me. And really sorry about not sharing the news with you first, but I did it because I knew that you would never allow me to leave the project" singto explained

"Singto, these things are not good for your future dear. You can't keep on going like this. Why don't you tell the truth to krist?" p'jane asked

"No! I can't do that, how much ever strength he has gained will be vanished in a second" singto said

"And what about you? Feeling guilty all the time?" p'jane asked

"Its OK p, let it be. After all I am guilty" singto said

"Sing please take care of yourself" p'jane advised

"Sure p" singto said and cut the call

"That day, if I would have talked to you, then maybe we could have done something" singto said as a tear escaped his eye

Love scares me the most
It doesn't bite
But it does kill...💔

I purple you 💜

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