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A year had passed since the signing of the alliance for Alberia and Turan.

Both kingdoms had flourished since then. About a month after the signing, Y/N was officially made the queen of the Alberia and her father and Pepper went into retirement. Even in retirement though, Tony had opinions and always gave his two cents to Y/N when he could.

There was only one instance in that year that war was threatened. A neighboring kingdom that had been on the rocks of having a Queen as the single ruler of a country. It was something they never could really wrap their head around, and thought that taking over or trying to invade would be easier. Like many others did since the trend was becoming more popular of a female ruler.

But like the strong and powerful kingdom that Alberia is, they came up on top and war was never even approached after 'having a word' with said kingdom. In other words, they were reminded of the kind of country Alberia was and their alliances.

Another major change was the amount of new women knights they had signed up for the force. A-force was growing in numbers and so many more women were stepping up to the plate to fight for their country. It was historical and monumental being one of the few countries to allow this. But because of it, Alberia's security was stronger.

Scott and Jean were engaged to marry within the next year. The two so happy together and keeping Turan thriving together as well.

Nat and Bucky were engaged and married about 6 months ago. They didn't want anything fancy, and settled for a small elopement with close friends and family. Nat made a beautiful bride, and Y/N made sure that the after party with friends was truly one to celebrate at. Lot's of alcohol...

Clint and Laura were expecting their first child. Only about 5 more months to go. They, as well as the rest of the friend group, were ecstatic and so ready for one of them to take the next step in life with a family.

Wanda and Sam had begun talking in the last couple of months, and have finally settled into courting the other. They were perfect for each other with their bubbly and goofy nature. Everyone was surprised it didn't happen earlier.

Thor recently got engaged to a duchess named Jane. Though people thought she wasn't high enough on the royalty scale, Thor could care less and all his friends saw the love that he shared for her. They were all in support of the two being together.

Loki was still single, but not phased by others finding love. He liked the business he was in charge of, so not seeing him in love or engaged for the next couple of years wasn't much of a surprise to the friend group.

As for Y/N and Steve. Well, that's the story everyone wants, right?

The knight and princess had to keep their relationship on the low for a while after Y/N was finally labeled as the Queen of Alberia. If word got around that one of the reasons for the alliance with Prince Scott was because she was in love with a knight of her country, well questions would be asked and older kingdoms would say she wasn't in the right mind to rule a country.

Which was far from the truth as we all know, but old privileged men, am I right?

So the couple kept it a secret for a while. A good long while. But after sneaking around long enough, they got tired of worrying about what others thought, and didn't hide it anymore.

Steve would visit Y/N's room every night. Not climbing on the roof anymore, but instead walking in the door where everyone could see. They held hands, shared kisses, hugged, and did everything a normal couple would do in public.

As for the staff, cooks, maids, knights, guards, they all knew. They all knew since when the two were young fawning after each other in the fields of wildflowers, but they didn't dare share secrets that weren't theirs to share. That's the kind of loyalty this kingdom had for each other.

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