Chapter Twelve

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After Steve had climbed down the vine from Y/N's roof, he moved to see her window shut and saw as her figure disappeared from view.

She loved him? She really loved him like he had loved her all this time? He could do a happy dance right there! But...

"Steve!" A voice shouted breaking him out of his very brief happy thoughts. "Steve, Tony is searching everywhere for you right now. Man, this isn't looking good." Bucky said running up to his friend.

"Never saw it looking good in the end. I knew things would blow up like this." Steve sighed running a hand over the back of his neck.

"It needed to be done. You know it did, we all did. What Stark made you do all those years ago... Y/N deserved to know." Bucky defended.

"Yeah, but look where that got us. Y/N and her father are at war with each other, and I'm the reason for it."

"Hey. Don't put this on you. If Tony hadn't made you pick her over your life all those years ago, none of this would have happened." Bucky said patting the blondes shoulder.

"Yes, but if neither of us fell for each other, than nothing like this would be happening."

"Are you really trying to say that having feelings and emotions for each other is the reason for this?" Bucky laughed. "Punk. You can't help those kinda things. You're life would be miserable if you tried to hide from love your whole time living. Wouldn't be much living if you ask me." he scoffed.

Steve looked up at the window once again knowing that Y/N was hopefully tucked in for the night. God, how he wanted to stay up there with her and comfort the beauty all night. Her brain had to be working 100 mph to try and take in everything of the night.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. I can't be upset about that." he said with a fond smile thinking of her. "Still, doesn't make me feel any better of what's to come."

"About that. I think if you give Tony another 30 minutes or so to cool off, he may not give you too cruel punishment." Bucky tried to reason.

"Buck. I just confessed my undying love for his daughter who happens to be the future queen of the kingdom. Right after he told her that she was to be wed to some stranger like she has been shaped to do her whole life. All I did was further complicate things he was already worried about with the free-spirited and stubborn daughter he has." Steve said stone faced. "I don't think an easy punishment is on the table for me."

"Ok, maybe not, but-"

"No more excuses James." Steve said with a sad smile and pat to his friends back. "Time to face the consequences." he began walking to the throne room and Bucky quickly ran after him.

"Steve, you can't-"

"I'm not going to run Buck. I did that last time and look what it did. I'll be ok. I can handle myself." he said again with a sad smile as he looked forward.

"Steve, what if he-"

Steve stopped and turned to his terrified friend.

"If the worst case scenario does happen. If he ships me off and bans me from ever coming back, or worse... I need you to take care of her. Please. Just promise me that."

"You'll be here to do that. I won't let him send you away, Rogers."

"You don't have control of that. You have to promise me you will protect her just as much as I would." Steve said more stern and turning into the Captain he was.

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