Chapter Eighteen

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Chaos. That would be the best word to describe what exactly this day consisted of. Lucky for Y/N, she had two very comforting and capable ladies to help her through it all.

At one point something had gone terribly wrong with the food, something about allergies for a certain kingdom. But luckily Rebecca, Bucky's sister, got it under control before Y/N had to mess with it.

Then another time, something about the decorations not working how they planned. Then another with the fireworks that Y/N didn't even know her father ordered. Then another issue with the guest list possibly not being delivered right, which ended up being a mistake and not true. A nervous new assistant looked over a few things wrong.

And now, just about 3 hours before the whole ceremony was supposed to take place, there was word that Janet was running behind on the dress. Dear God. The dress.

Nat was practically hyperventilating because of the supposed rumor, and Y/N and Wanda were fanning her to calm her down.

"Nat, you know Jay will come through. She's never let us down." Y/N said holding her robe in place with her hair still half way done, and taking a break from the makeup artist to calm her friend.

"B-But the dress. If you aren't in it for the ceremony, th-then-," Nat said through breaths.

"I have never seen her this panicked. Nat doesn't panic." Wanda said with worried eyes still fanning her on the other side.

Y/N shot Wanda a reassuring look before bending on her knees and getting to Nat's eye level.

"Hey. Jay said she is just a little behind. Nothing to worry about. Want to tell me what the real issue is?" She said placing her hands on Nat's.

The green eyes shot at her, and Y/N could see the worry and anxiety bouncing around in them.

"If I remember correctly, this is my day to be nervous and anxious." Y/N said with a laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes, but-" Nat paused not sure where to go with the thought.

"But what? Talk to us." Wanda said joining Y/N on the lower level.

The other red head took a deep sigh before closing her eyes. "I just want everything to be perfect for you Y/N/N. You've worked so hard for this and everything has to be just right." she said in almost a defeated tone.

"Oh, Nat." Y/N said moving closer and squeezing her friends hand. "Nothing is every going to be perfect. Do you know how many bumps we hit along the way to get here? A lot. But that's what's making it all the more special."


"No. No but's. We'll be fine. Everything will work out how the world intends for it to. If that means a disaster here and there, then so be it. We have yet to not come out on top before. We aren't going to start now." Y/N smiled pulling Nat up from her seat. "Now, what do you say we finish my hair and make up so that when the does get here, we are on schedule?"

"What if it isn't-"

"It will be. I have full faith in Jay. And if not? Then we will be fashionably late to the party. Quite literally." Y/N giggled pulling Nat in for a hug that she took without a second thought.

"Awe! I love you guys!" Wanda jumped in excitement before throwing herself into the group hug.

As if in perfect timing, just as they were finishing the last touches of Y/N's hair, the knock on the door signaled Jay.

"Hey girls. You ready for the next part of the make over?" she smiled walking in with the dress under wraps.

"Oh thank God!" Nat said, letting out a sigh as Wanda clapped next to her jumping on the balls of her feet.

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