Chapter Six

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They ended up practically giving her a full tour of the castle. They went to the kitchen, where Y/N met Peter's Aunt, Aunt May. She was the head chef there, and had Rebecca, Bucky's younger sister, as her assistant baker to help keep the kitchen running smoothly.

Becca was offered a job in the infirmary with Steve's mom since she had taught her a good chunk of medical knowledge, but she always had a passion for baking so she switched to that area. Which Y/N's father was perfectly fine with since apparently, her apple crumble pies were to DIE for as the king put it.

They stopped at the barn where horses, cattle, livestock, and all the other things along those lines were kept. Y/N seemed to get along particularly with a horse they had just rescued, and she seemed to be the only one who it would allow close to it.

Yet again, the boys weren't shocked in the least considering like Bucky had shared at an earlier time, Y/N once jumped on a wild horse and was able to tame it and train it. Later it became 'her' horse, and would not allow anyone else to ride it other than her. He passed away eventually, and that was one of those few dark times Steve had to pull her back into the light. She did love that horse, but this new one, Trojan as they called it, seemed to have the same energy toward her. Accepting and at ease.

Of course they also visited all kinds of other spots she had missed greatly, but nothing compared to her longing for the garden she had found herself in so many times.

There was a perfectly groomed and mapped out garden that acted as a labyrinth as well. After King Stark had noticed that Y/N would go out there to calm down, and center herself, he had it built for her 9th birthday. Who knew at such a young age, a girl could understand the importance of meditation?

Tony and his wife had researched ways to implement a meditative growth in nature and learned that forming a simple, but grounding maze throughout a garden could help calm people's minds. There daughters especially.

It had actually been the last gift that Y/N's mother had given her before her passing. So it made it that much more special and near and dear to her heart to go there. She always felt a sense of calm comfort walking in there, and she liked to think her mother's energy and spirit had something to do with it.

Bucky turned to Sam and sent him a look. Both of them knowing how long Y/N could spend in the garden and also how she tended to want to be left alone in it. Steve one of the few acceptances back in the day.

"We have to go check in with some of the soldier training since it's almost dinner Cap," Bucky spoke up.

"But the tour- King Stark wanted you two to stay," Steve said knowing they were right but scared to be alone with her again.

For the first time since Y/N had been back, she was open and talking as if nothing had happened in 10 years with the boys. Only of course if Sam and Bucky were present. But if even for a second alone with Steve she would shut down, and look anywhere but at him. She would say a few things here and there to be polite, but it seemed forced and uncomfortable a majority of the time.

If Bucky and Sam left, Steve would have to fend for himself. And the last thing he wanted was Y/N to finally ask the question he knew she had been holding back on. He wasn't sure how to answer it still...

"Yes, but dinner will be soon, so you two will be headed to the castle soon. We will meet you then," Bucky explained nodding to the princess who had already wandered closer to the garden's gates. "Steve this is your chance. Tell her what really happened. Explain to her that you had no say in the issue." Bucky said stepping closer and whispering.

"It's not that simple Buck. That would be going against direct orders of the King." Steve said more sternly now.

"Ok, but she's about to be Queen. She deserves to know why her best friend never reached out to her. Or should I say, couldn't reach out to her." Bucky said emphasizing the last bit.

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