Chapter Nine

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"I can't say sunshine. I can't say." he sighed in disappointment at himself. 

Y/N just stared up at him. Wide eyes and no expression on what reaction he should expect. He moved his hands down to her forearms to keep her close. Not that she was fighting to get away, but he just got her back it felt like. He couldn't go through that loss again.

Her eyes looked as if they had glazed over and Steve was looking back and forth between them, searching for any tell on how she was feeling.

It was an antagonizing 30 seconds that felt like an eternity.

"Y/N?" he said in a quiet tone as if he would scare her away. "Sunshine?"

That name seemed to break her from her trance, and she gently pulled out of his arms. He tried to keep her from doing it, but she just stepped back effectively distancing herself from him, but never breaking eye contact. He took hesitant steps back to her.


Then her frustration showed. She scoffed and continued to walk backwards. Again, he matched her step trying to not let too much distance come between them.

"I-I-" she said before scoffing again. "I can't believe this." she said with an angry smirk. She waved her hand at him and turned back to the punching bag where she had left her coat, and angrily stomped to it.

"Y/N, you have to understand-"

"Understand?" she snapped her head back to him, and marched past him only sending a glare as she did, and an evil laugh. "No, sorry. I don't."

She was making her way to the exit and Steve couldn't let this moment wash over just as fast as it started.

"Wait!" he shouted jogging to her. She didn't stop though, so he ran faster, and grabbed her arm to turn her around. "You don't know the whole story-"

"That's the problem Steve! I don't know the story, and it crushed me!" she shouted ripping her arm out of his grip, but surprisingly not leaving. Instead, taking stern steps to him and crossing her arms over her chest once she was less than 3 feet of him. "My whole time at that boarding school I wondered. I wondered what the hell was so wrong with me that he didn't show up. Why the hell was I not good enough? Why did he stand his best friend up after making such a promise?" She began to poke his chest now with each accusation. "Why did he not want to say goodbye one last time before I was shipped off for 10 years time? Was he hurt? Was he disgusted by that kiss? Did he regret everything he ever did with me?" she huffed out of breath from not taking breaths in between questions.

Steve was hurt. Those were things that she thought? How could she even question some of those things? Neither of them noticed, but both had tears threatening to leave. Y/N's tears not winning the fight as much.

"How-" he sighed. "How could you think I don't think you were enough?" he said closing the gap and standing over her. "Y/N, you were-" he paused and shook his head. "You are my world. I may have been a stupid young boy when we were growing up and not realized how much of a god sent gift you were, but as time went on, you showed me you were someone I could never live without. You made everyone around you smile. You made everyone feel welcomed, loved, and important. You did outlandish wild things that only a crazy person would do, but somehow only made me envy you for your courage and free-spirit. None of those things kept me from wanting to see you. None of them."

"Then why? Just answer the question and tell me why." she said with a slight break in her voice.

He closed his eyes, hanging his head, and grabbed her hands. He shook his head as he sighed again.

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