Chapter Fifteen

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Just halfway to the castle, Steve saw Y/N walking with a few of her side handmaidens. Ones that stayed with her when Nat or Wanda were off doing other things. Very rare, but it happened.

He turned redirecting his path to her.

"Y/N- I mean Princess. What, uh, what are you-?" He said looking nervously at the two handmaidens that were at her sides.

"Captain Rogers." she nodded cutting him off before turning to the ladies and telling them that she would be fine with the knight. They bowed before walking back to the palace.

"Bucky just came sprinting to me saying that you were running through the castle in a frenzy," Steve said taking a step forward now that the two were alone for the most part. Only passing guards and castle workers in the distance but none paying any mind to them nor close enough to notice them. He double checked to make sure they were out of sight before grabbing her hands and enclosing them in his own. "He said that he overheard you looking for your father. You weren't fighting, or-" he said slowly not wanting to push his boundaries.

She let out a little laugh squeezing his hands in reassurance.

"No Steve. Everything's fine. If anything, everything is much better." she said with a grin he hadn't seen her smile in a while since all the madness of their lives had erupted.

"What are you talking-?" he asked stepping closer leaving just a few inches between them.

"I figured it out Steve. I finally cracked the code." she said all giddy and with a wide tooth grin.

He couldn't help himself but grin just as wide from seeing her happy. It's that damn radiating joy she has when she gets all excited.

"What code sunshine?" he asked moving a wild piece of hair back from her face.

"My arranged marriage." she said her smile turning to a soft one and her eyes filling with hope.

"Wha-" he stuttered out but there wasn't air in his lungs to complete the sentence. His face dropped unsure of what the short comment meant. I mean she was smiling, so it had to be good right? Or maybe she really did want the marriage so it was bad, but-

"Steve. Darling." she said waving a hand in front of his face making him snap out of his dark thoughts. "It's good news. I promise."

"I'm confused sweetheart." he finally got out taking a deep breath. "What about the rule has changed?"

"Well, it hasn't... yet. I was coming out here to find Nat and Wanda. I was going to talk to them about it first, but running into you before was better." she said pulling his hands closer to her.

"But what-" he said needing answers.

"Come on. Let's find the crew and we can talk to them about it." she said pulling his hand and leading them to the facility.

Steve had so many questions swimming around his mind, but she had something mapped out so he let her lead him to their friends.

Nat had just finished training with the A-force, and Wanda had been visiting Pietro, but was now watching the end of the training session. Bucky and Sam coming around the corner planning on going in and watching the training with Wanda too.

"Boys. Perfect. Where's Clint?" she asked Bucky and Sam as they stood in front of her.

Bucky sending a look to Steve who still had a dazed face on him. Only making Buck raise and eyebrow before looking at the Princess.

"Uh, doing some last minute packing for the next mission. Why?" Buck asked.

"I have an announcement to make and I need you all here." she said walking into the dueling room and finding Nat getting water, Wanda talking to her, and the trainee's packing and leaving.

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