
"Did you guys get to spend a good chunk of time with each other last night?" Bucky asked as they checked the guards station since the party was just an hour away. People already showing up early.

"Yeah, we did."

There was a pause as Buck waited for Steve to continue, but that's all he said.

"Ok, and..." he probed nudging his friend.

"And what Buck? What are you trying to get out of me?" Steve chuckled.

"I mean nothing specifically, but you're being quiet. Did something happen?"

Steve looked at his friend knowing he could read him like a book. He rolled his eyes, and tried to ignore it, but Bucky just waited staring at him and making him more uncomfortable.

"She brought it up again ok! You got me!" Steve groaned throwing his hands up.

"Steve, why don't you believe her?"


"You would make a great King to the throne. I don't get how you don't see that-" Bucky started in a soft tone so that no one would hear.

"That's not the only issue." Steve groaned not happy about doing this conversation yet again.

"Then what?" Bucky said also annoyed at having to try and convince Steve the same thing Y/N was trying to.

"I don't know..."

"Clearly you know."

"Drop it Buck."

"No, why are you so freaked out about this?"


"I'm not dropping it. Neither will Y/N until you get it through your thick head that you are more of a man than you think you are-"

"I don't think I'll ever be enough for her! Ok!" Steve shouted luckily away from everyone making it just them. Bucky stood back shocked, but let out a sigh.

"So, some other guy is?" Bucky asked making Steve's dropped head snap up.

"What? No. No guy is good enough-"

"Ok, so wouldn't you rather you be with her knowing you are giving her your all, or would you want some rando that you know for a fact wouldn't?"

"Of course I want it to be me. I would give her the moon and the stars if she asked me to." Steve said almost offended that Bucky would think he would have it any other way.

"See? You two were made for each other. Neither of you think you are enough for the other, even if that's far from the truth, but you try and show each other that you would do anything for the other no matter what."


"Get out of your damn head Steven. She loves you. You love her. She wants you by her side for the rest of her life. If that means as her king, than take the damn position. It's not that hard." Bucky rolled his eyes throwing his hands up.

"What if-"

"No what if's. Do you love her?"

"Yes." Steve said without hesitation.

"You would do anything for her? Death included?"

"Of course! Why do you even have to ask?" he shouted again only getting a laugh out of Bucky.

"Because apparently you can't get it through your head that she does deserve someone like you. No less, punk." Bucky said placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

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