"Hey sunshine." he smiled into her hair as he lifted her off the ground and held her tightly to his chest. He slowly eased her to the ground, but never loosen his grip around her waist. "God, I missed you."

"I can say the same." she smiled finally pulling back enough to look up at his face, and holding onto his biceps that her hands couldn't really wrap around due to the size. "Your beard." she stated bringing a hand up to his face and caressing the overgrown hair.

"Yeah, didn't have much time for grooming or really any supplies for it." he laughed leaning into her touch loving how it made him shiver at the delicate manner.

"I like it. I mean the scruff was nice, but this?" she scratched it a little making him chuckle lowly. "I can get use to this."

"And I can get use to this." he said pulling her back to look at her dress. "You look as jaw dropping as ever sweetheart. You're hair's gotten longer too." he said putting a piece of the Y/H/C locks in between his fingers and twirling them.

"Aunt Jay always knows how to style me just right to make me look not too much of a mess." she blushed.

"You never look a mess Y/N. Even if you did, you would still be stunning." he grinned lowering his head to hers, and resting his forehead on her own. Both closing their eyes and relishing in the closeness that had been missed.

"I don't want you to leave ever again. I can't handle that." she said after a while.

"I heard. Buck told me you haven't talked to him in over a week after you found out about my whereabouts." Steve sighed.

She groaned and pulled back.

"He lied Steve." she said with stern eyes.

"Your father told him not to tell, and unlike me, he listens to his king." Steve said with some disappointment.

"Still. We're friends. I can't believe he wouldn't tell me." she said with hurt in her tone.

"Don't be too mad at him doll." Steve said pushing strands of hair behind her ear. "I, uh, I may be at fault a little too." he said hesitantly.

"What?" she said taken-aback.

"I kinda told Bucky not to tell you either." he whispered.

"I'm sorry?" she said taking his hand from her hair and pulling it away. "You did what?" she said sending him a look that was now sending a different type of shiver down his spine.

"Let me explain before you get mad." he said moving forward as she took a step back. His hands raised in a defensive state.

"A little late there Cap." she said with a tone that made Steve even more nervous.

"I wasn't sure what your father was going to do the night everything happened. So when he told me he was sending me on a mission that was going to be a while, I told Bucky to try and keep you at bay for as long as he could." he explained.

She took another step back and scoffed.

"At bay? What am I? A bear that you're scared you're going to have to shoot with tranquilizers or something?" she said shaking her head and turning to walk back to her area under the tree.

Steve quickly followed.

"No, it's just- Tell me you didn't try and follow me." he said running in front of her and effectively stopping her.


"Did you or did you not try and go after me?" he said raising an eyebrow showing her that he already knew the answer.

10 Years TimeWhere stories live. Discover now