Together / Plan in Action / Color

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Ruby and Weiss have concerned expressions on their faces.

Ruby: Don't you want her here?

Yang: Why would I want her here?

Ruby: Are you still mad at her for leaving?

Yang: (scoffs) Oh, whatever gave you that idea, Ruby? No, I'm totally fine. I'm great.

Weiss: Okay, calm down.

Yang: (her eyes turn red) Don't tell me to calm down!

Ruby and Weiss gain startled expressions.

Ruby: Whoa, Yang.

Yang realizes what she did, and her eyes turn back to normal. Her hand shakes while holding her cup.

Yang: Whatever.

She gets up and leaves. Ruby and Weiss watch her go before exchanging concerned looks with each other.


Back in Menagerie, Blake Belladonna leans against the railing on the balcony of the Belladonna Family Home. She looks up into the night sky as a voice calls out for her from inside her home.

Sun: Hey Blake! You ready to go?

Blake: Be right there!

She feels a note taped to the wooden railing of the balcony. She grabs it and reads the message written down:


Things going too far.
Not sure what to do.
Find a quiet spot,
I'll find you.
Come alone. Please.


Blake looks around a bit before hearing the sliding door open. She quickly places the note in her coat.

Sun: We going recruiting or what? We've got the entire nocturnal section to hit up!

Blake doesn't say anything, still having a concerned expression on her face. Sun notices this.

Sun: You okay?

Blake: Yeah, I'll meet you there. I need to take care of something first.

As she walks away, there is a quiet sound of rustling in the trees behind her.


Back in Mistral, Yang sits alone on a bed looking at the "New Friends!" photo of Team RWBY. She hears a knock on the door and quickly puts the photo away.

Yang: Yeah?

The door opens but Yang doesn't look up to see who entered.

Yang: Look Ruby, I really don't want to talk about it, okay? Can you just leave me alone for a bit?

Yang looks up, and is surprised that it was not Ruby, but Weiss who is at the doorway.

Yang: Oh. Hey Weiss. Did you need something?

Weiss says nothing. She closes the door behind her and sits on the bed opposite to Yang.

Yang: (sigh) I know she's our teammate, but I'm not just going to change my mind. I'm sorry, I just... I don't think you know what it's like to be left. You have a giant family, recitals to perform at, dinners to attend. I didn't have any of that. My mom left me. Ruby's mom left too. Tai was always busy with school and Ruby couldn't even talk yet. I had to pick up the pieces. I had to keep things together. Alone. (pause) Weiss, if you have something to say, then say it.

Weiss remains silent for a moment, before responding.

Weiss: When I was ten, my dad finally admitted to my mom that the only reason he married her was for the family name. (sighs) It was actually on my birthday. He missed the big dinner, she got mad, he finally snapped. I think she already knew. Looking back, I think I knew too. But hearing him say it finally pushed her over the edge.

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