Same Mistakes: Prologue

Start from the beginning

“It’s cute,” Amanda declared, still clinging onto Niall as she looked around at the flashing lights, a bit bewildered. “How’s Luke?”

Louis shrugged, draining the rest of his drink and leaning against the wall, watching Harry and Liam’s backs, “Fine. Hopefully studying, he has exams next week. “

“Still dating that girl of his?” Zayn asked and Louis shrugged, handing his empty glass over to a server who passed by.

“I think so,” Louis said casually, shrugging, “We haven’t heard much of him since break the other month. Don’t know if that’s good or bad, but hey, you’re only young once.”

“Isn’t that the truth, I wish I was young again,” Liam muttered, walking up, drink in hand, “Danielle thinks the baby is going to be here any day now.”

“Bit early, isn’t it?” Harry asked, sliding into Louis’ grip, leaning comfortably against him as he sipped at his rum and coke.

“Hailey came a week or two early, remember-“

“Liam, how could we possibly forget that? We were halfway across the world, I’d never seen you panic so much in my life,” Zayn muttered and Liam rolled his eyes.

“Whatever mate, the point is, she thinks this one will be the same,” Liam continued, before he was called from behind by one of their PR agents, who was looking frantic. “Oh look, more interviews. Hooray,” he muttered sarcastically, he slid away from the group, handing his drink off to Zayn who sipped at it, eyeing the random girls who were strutting around, trying to pick out a new one for the night.

“Thinking about leaving the bachelor life anytime soon, buddy?” Louis asked, eyes dancing with humor, but Zayn didn’t seem to hear him, instead leaving the group to stalk his prey, leaving Louis and Harry, Niall and Amanda, huddled in the corner.

“How early is too early to leave?” Harry asked, foot tapping anxiously and Niall laughed loudly.

“Bit anxious, yeah?”

“Niall, I haven’t had Louis to myself, without having to worry about the twins, or Luke, in five months.Five months. I’m more than anxious,” He hissed and Louis pulled him closer, hushing him as he posed and smiled for photographers who appeared out of nowhere, capturing ‘candid’ pictures of the band.

“Stay for the toast,” Niall suggested, grabbing a new glass of champagne, “And then we’ll make up an excuse, one of the twins ill or something of the other, it’ll be fine.”

Harry nodded, sinking into a chair that was shoved in the corner, the rest of the boys, spare Zayn who was flirting with a pretty blonde who Louis worriedly thought resembled their executive’s daughter, followed in suit.

Louis ran a hand through his husband’s curls, and Harry shut his eyes and sighed tiredly, relaxing into the touch.

“Long week?” Liam asked and Harry snorted.

“Long year,” He muttered and Niall winced sympathetically, maneuvering Amanda in his lap so he could reach for his drink. Harry opened his mouth to complain again, but was cut off by his phone, ringing loudly in his pocket.

“Babe, I told you to turn it on silent,” Louis admonished and Harry hushed him, reaching for it, eyebrows furrowing together as he read the caller ID. Louis rested a hand on his knee, “Is it alright?”

“It’s Luke,” Harry said worriedly, sliding his phone open and holding it up to his ear, climbing to his feet, “Hello?”

There was only breathing on the other side of the phone for a moment, and Harry’s heart pounded in his chest as he stumbled away from the group, Louis hot on his heels. Luke knew they were busy tonight, he knew not to call, unless it was an emergency.

Harry’s knees shook as he found a secluded hallway, away from the happiness and the chatter of the party.

“Luke?” He asked again into the phone, and Louis wrapped an arm around him, rubbing his back comfortably as he held his breath and waited for his son to speak, “Luke, are you alright?”

“Dad,” Luke’s voice was weak, and shaky and Harry’s stomach twisted into knots, his eyes clenching shut.

“Luke, buddy, is everything alright?” he asked, hurriedly, trying not to jump to various scenarios in his head.  Scenarios that ended with his son, lying in a ditch somewhere, dying at the age of sixteen.

Luke remained silent on the phone, and Harry leaned heavily again Louis, as the two waited for their son to spill his trouble. As they waited for an excuse to be parents again, instead of the pop stars they currently were at the record release party.

Harry heard his son take a deep, shaky, breath, and bit his lip nervously, waiting for Luke’s voice. And when finally spoke again; the words hit Harry like a freight train.

“Dad, I’m in a lot of trouble.”

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