006 | Do you like what you see?

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"People say sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you, but that's not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven't forgotten." –Demi Lovato

" –Demi Lovato

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I woke up with an awful pain in my pelvic.I cursed under my breath and went to the bathroom.Fuck period cramps.Isn't bleeding for almost a week enough?Why does it come with cramps too?

I drank water as I was getting ready.I remembered back last night,it was at midnight,whatever it's the same for me.He was still up at 3 am.A phone call from Sadie interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey Kim how is everything going on?Do you like the apartment?" She asked.Being alone is something I really like,I do love it when I'm with others but sometimes you need alone time.

"Hi Sadie everything is fine I love it so far." I told her and we talked for a while.Tomorrow I have a day off so I might go back home and visit my parents.I'm a little homesick but it's fine,it happens to everyone.


Days later I woke up to my phone ringing and I almost threw it out of the window.Phone calls always freak me out.Unknown number?


"Good morning Kim" I heard and recognized the voice,Jackson. "Jackson?How did you get my number?"

"I have my ways" He said and I can see the smirk through the phone. "Why did you call me?" I might have sounded like a bitch but it's 7 in the morning and I was about to wake up at 8.

"I wanted to give you a ride and you have 10 minutes to get ready." He said and those words woke me up.10 minutes ? In 10 minutes I walk to the kitchen and back.

"Wha- Okay fine" I said and told him my address.At least i'm not wasting gas.I did everything in 1.75x speed and still looked like shit.Well everyone has these kind of days right?RIGHT? I walked down and he was already there.I sighed and got in his car half asleep.

"You look like you just woke up." He said and I slowly turned my head towards him.I probably looked like a murderer.

"Because I just did!" I rolled my eyes and turned back.The ride was okay it wasn't awkward thankfully.I hate awkward silences.He parked his car and we walked into the building.Everyone minded their own business. "I'm going to get something to drink." I told Jackson and he nodded walking away.This drink automata/machine thing is huge,not even surprised at this point.

Everything is huge here.Like everything *wink*

"Excuse me" I heard and turned around.It was a woman with long blonde hair,she looked at least 32.

"Yes?" I asked and she pushed me away to get to the machine.I glared at her but she just ignored me. "Ohm excuse you!I was here first!" I told her and she huffed.

"I'm sorry but who are you again?"

I may not be as old as her but I would gladly punch this woman.What kind of  attitude is that? I decided to just walk away because I didn't want to cause drama.As I walked away a few people stared at me and I got red and quickly walked away.This is not working out for me I just wanna run away.I feel like I'm back in high school.

In high school I always wanted to run away.I was always scared and never had the confidence to talk back.That's why I was bullied,but I changed high schools so that nightmare would end.You have no idea how happy I was when I graduated.

"Wow that took a long time." Jackson said and I just walked to my desk and sat down.I wanted to cry.I wanted to cry my eyes out but I didn't want to show Jackson how weak I am.

I have mood swings probably because I'm on my period.I was angry like 4 minutes ago and now I wanna cry.I hate showing anyone my feelings.That's why I never told my parents that I was bullied.They still think that I wanted to change schools because I didn't like my teachers and my classmates.


"Kim what's wrong?" He asked but I didn't answer.As he started talking a tear ran down my cheek.I was still looking down so he couldn't notice.But he didn't give up and walked up to me.He touched my hair and slowly lifted my face.

"Kim! What happened?" He asked and I could hear in his voice that he was worried. "Just stress" I simply answered. "I don't think so.You can tell me." He said and I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "It's really nothing serious Jackson thank you for your concern though" I smiled at him and he nodded.

I wiped my tears away and reapplied my makeup.Maybe I should've just taken a year off and thought about my future then thrown myself into things,like this job.Jackson brought me tea and I felt so much better after drinking it.He can be really friendly sometimes,sometimes.He is still an a-hole.

I walked down to the cafeteria to get something to eat and someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Ms.Torres,Mr.Collins would like to speak with you" A woman said and I nodded.I took the elevator and my mind went back to my little dream world.

I bet he is in his sexy black suit that makes him so attractive.I bet his hair is messy again.I woke up from my daydreaming when the elevator door opened.People entered the elevator and looked at me strangely.Huh?Is there something on my face?I looked at my phone camera..oops saliva

I knocked on his door but he didn't answer so I guess I can come in.I opened the door and he was there with a woman.Oh..I quickly looked away when I saw how close they were.I guess she is his girlfriend,I mean how could I think he was single?Who wouldn't date him?He is like 28,I honestly don't know his age but I guess he can be around it.

"Uhm I'm sorry I'm gonna go." I said really really awkwardly. "Leave" I heard his deep voice and I looked down and turned to leave.

"You stay here Kim!" He said and the strange woman left the office and didn't even close the door.Well yeah don't mind closing it,it was closed before I came in so close it when you leave..I stood in the doorway and didn't even think of closing the door.

Mr.Collins saw how useless I was so he walked over to the door and closed it but stopped as soon as he did. He was so close to me.

And the fact that my imagination was wrong in the elevator!!He was wearing a white shirt and it was a little bit see through.Imagine if it was wet..His hair was slicked back.

He walked in front of me and I slowly looked up but as soon as I did my eyes wandered down.Those muscles GOD.I want to touch them,I want him to touch me.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked out of nowhere and I quickly looked up at him.Ah not again. "I - no,I mean what" I said trying to cover my awkwardness with a laugh.He didn't laugh though.Why aren't you laughing ?It only makes the situation more awkward.He was still standing in front of me scanning my entire face.

"Why don't you put your hair up in a ponytail?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

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