002 | I think she's big enough

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"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
— Joshua J. Marine"


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"Oh Mr.Collins" Sadie said letting go of my arm and bowed.What's going on here? I looked up and saw - holy shit.

A tall handsome man was standing  in front of us.Don't tell me he is the boss here jesus christ I'm going to faint.I think I stared too long because Sadie nudged me.I blinked a few times and focused.

"So I brought someone I know is suitable for the job" Sadie said looking at me.I looked at her then at the boss then back to Sadie,ah why am I so akward.I smiled and took my hand out for a shake.

"Kim Torres, nice to meet you!" I said with confidence but as soon as his hand touched mine I felt like I was going to have an orgasm.Lmao just kidding.He looks so attractive I bet he even has a wife.

"Christopher Collins, I'm the CEO here" He said letting go of my arm.I looked away. "Follow me" He said and we all started walking after him. "Only Ms.Torres,I think she is big enough to talk on her own" He said and I raised my eyebrow,you -

Boy don't give me that attitude again or I swear.

I looked back at Sadie and she nodded.I already feel nervous and we haven't even had a proper conversation.I followed him up to his office and before I entered I quickly fixed my hair and my clothes.

"Sit down" Mr.Collins said and I closed the door after I entered.Wow his office is way bigger than my own room.I guess he is the richest here.Of course he is,he is the boss silly.Imagine being rich.

He sat down in front of me and I sat down awkwardly too.I don't know why but I can't keep eye contact with people, men especially.

He started to talk about something but I zoned out again.I just can't take my eyes off him,off his body.You can see the muscles even though he has clothes on,imagine him without it-

"Did you just come here to stare at me?"

He interrupted my thoughts and I thought I was going to shrivel up in humiliation.

"What,no.Obviously not.What are you talking about?" I asked looking at his chair then at his arm muscles,then between his eyes, but never into his eyes.I can't imagine how idiotic I look now with my eyes moving around.It's like I was a dog and he was my owner who was giving me a snack as my eyes followed the food.

I would go down on my knees for him.

"Look at me then" Oh boy.

I slowly looked up at him and he was already in front of his desk closer to me.Tf when did he move from there to here.

Okay focus Kim.

"I'm not willing to work with children " He said and now I was looking him in the eyes.Wow his eyes.Those light green eyes.It matched his dark brown hair perfectly.He wore black suit which made his muscles stand out.Did I mention that he is the definition of perfection?Yeah I think I already did.But back to what I was about to say.Did he just call me a child ?

"I'm not a child!" I said confidently.

"How old are you then?Because you sure act like one" He said and anger built up inside me.I really don't like it when people look down on me.

"I'm 22." I said and rolled my eyes.This is a job interview kind of thing and I'm being pressed about it.I really should calm down or I will mess up everything.He sat down on his chair and wrote something on a piece of paper.

"Tell me about yourself." He said and looked up at me.I probably should have practiced this.

"I'm from Floyd,Virginia and I'm living with my parents but if I get the job I would like to move here.I went to James Madison University and studied there for 4 years.I studied speech communication and rhetoric."

"You could be a speech therapist." He said looking at me.I saw him crossing his arms which made me look at his big muscles.I already know I will be looking at his body 24/7 because I love muscular men.They are my weaknesses.My eyes already fell in love with him.

"That's my plan.In Floyd there are no job opportunities like that and I wanted to move somewhere but I need money first." I told him.Also I need money for my mom but it's none of his business.

"Tell me reasons why I should hire you"

"I heard this job is about someone taking part in a campaign and presenting/promoting stuff." I began and he nodded. "That's right."

"Well I think I'm good at speaking and as I have mentioned before I learned speech communication and as you may know it's the study of how people generate shared meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal symbols.I have confidence and I'm good at public speaking." I finished and he looked pleased.

Yeah I do have confidence but when he looks at me with those beautiful sparkly eyes it's like I lose it.

"So this will be your first ever job right?" He asked and I nodded. "Well I see the potential in you so the job is yours" He said and it took me 10 seconds to realize what he just said.

"Really?" I asked  standing up.I wanted to jump up and down and dance,this is how happy I was.

"You can start tomorrow,the others will tell you what to do and show you around so don't bother me." He said and the smile faded from my face.Jerk..I thanked him and left his office.

I leaned back on the wall and let out a deep breath.I have a job.I have a job!I can't be happier.I took the stairs and a few people walked beside me.They all look so good.Dressed up in suits and papers in their hands,they look so professional.Sadie was waiting for me in the hallway and when she saw me she ran towards me.

"Woah that was fast,did you get the job?" She asked and I nodded."Yes I did omg I can't believe it"I said with a big smile on my face.

"Then let's go celebrate !" She said and I went along.We went to her house and to my surprise she didn't live alone.In fact she has a family.Such a beautiful family,she has 2 kids and a husband.They invited me to dinner and Sadie told me I can stay here until I don't find a place to live in.I really don't know how to thank her for all of this.She literally changed my life.

"Thank you for letting me stay here" I smiled as we ate dinner.

"Of course honey" She smiled back. Once I think of her as a friend,once a sister,and sometimes like a second mother.

I can't wait to tell my parents about my new job,that beautiful place.I really hope this will help me in the future,to settle down and have a job I will enjoy.

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