003 | Stop staring at me

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"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." – Bruce Lee

" – Bruce Lee

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First time at my new job,I'm a little bit nervous.
The fact that I'm going to be the youngest there or I think I'm going to be the youngest frightens me a little bit.Will they treat me like a child?God,first day and I'm already overthinking the whole thing.

I washed my face with cold water to freshen up and dressed up.I want to look great on my first day.

Sadie was already waiting for me in her car and I tried to be as fast as I could.I hate being in a hurry,the chances of leaving something behind is a 100% .We stopped in a little coffee shop and ordered drinks.The only kind of coffee I like is iced coffee so I ordered that.We were already at the building and we walked in.She started to walk away from me and I got frustrated.

"Sadie wait" I said walking towards her. "Don't worry they will guide you.Have a nice day at your new job Kim" She smiled and left.Don't worry?I'm freaking the fuck out.Now I was just standing in the middle of the hallway like an idiot.Okay I should move.But where should I go? No one said anything.

"Oh you're the newbie" I heard and turned around.There was a guy in front of me who looked like my age.

"Yes.Can you please show me around" I asked kindly because the first impressions are the most important.Everything depends on how you act,if you show your 'bad' side that impression will stick with them and they will think you are no good.This guy told me to follow him to his office and told me that we will be sharing an office,okay I don't mind.

"I'm Jackson by the way" He said and when I was about to shake his hand he snatched it away.Why is every men here an asshole?

"And I'm Kim Torres nice to meet you" I faked a smile and he looked away.He started typing something on the computer and I was still standing in the doorway .

"Are you just going to stand there?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.I walked in and walked up to him. "What do you want?" He asked and looked at me."Well I have no idea what I should do so can please tell me?" I asked politely.

"If I remember correctly Mr.Collins said you were here to wash the dishes" He said and my jaw dropped. "Excuse me?" I asked,on the verge of beating his ass.

"Lmao just kidding don't look at me like that" He started laughing.Is it really that funny to him?Who does he think he is?Just because I'm new here doesn't mean I should be treated like a clown.Him and even Mr.Collins,they really think i'm not capable of doing anything.

"You know wh- " I began when someone opened the door.I was about to grab Jackson's shirt and we froze.Loud silence could be heard,I could literally hear someone flushing the toilet or someone burping in North Dakota.

Now this is really awkward.The person obviously had to be Mr.Collins.I can't imagine what he might think of us right now.I hope he doesn't misunderstand anything.Imagine picking a fight on your first day..can't relate

"What are you doing?" He asked only looking at me and his voice was different from yesterday.It was scarier,I would shit my pants if this man was about to punch me.

He is the kind of man who no one talks back to because they are too afraid of him.It's like he is a maffia leader,except he is not.He is my boss and I should behave.How can Sadie think he is cool?When he turned 18 his parents moved out.

"Ohm nothing sir" I said and quickly let go of Jackson's shirt.Ah I'm in deep shit right now,why do I have to fuck up on my first day?Besides he was the one who started!He is responsible for this not me,so don't think i'm the bad guy here.

"In my office!" Mr.Collins said and my heart began to beat faster.I looked at Jackson who was grinning at me.You little-

I followed him to his office which was 6 floors above mine.We took the elevator and it was just us in the elevator which gave me certain feelings.I looked at him from the corner of my eyes.He is so tall that I have to look up.His side profile is perfect as if it was craved by gods.He has plump lips,so kissable.Imagine kissing those beautiful lips of his.

"I think I told you already" I heard and blinked a few times to see he was looking at me.

"Wh- What?" I asked and I can feel my cheeks getting redder.Nah I'm not blushing it's just the fact that it's too hot in here.Besides this elevator takes forever.We've been in here for literally ages.

"Stop staring at me" He said and as I was about to say something the elevator door opened.Good for you it opened because I was about to give you a piece of my mind.I sighed and followed him into his office.When can I go home?I forgot for a second that I even had to find a place to live in.I sat down but he didn't.

He scares me when he looks at me like that.I've been here for less than two days but I already feel like a whore..for him.This is so bad because I should not be thinking like this but I just can't control my mind.

"Can you stop doing that?" He asked and I looked up.What's the problem again?What did I do wrong?

"Stop doing what?" I asked.

"Looking away." He said and I looked away again.Oh.I looked back at him.He was literally staring into my soul no jokes he was really creepy.Please look away please look away.I manifested and finally he moved.

I let out a sigh of relief and looked away.I just want to go back to that asshole Jackson.As bad it sounds but it's better than sitting here while my chest is pounding like crazy.

He walked over to his desk but didn't sit down.He stood behind his desk and put his hands on the desk.Looking at him makes me think that he is a kind of man who probably was a heartbreaker in high school.The guy who was playing with girls,their hearts.Didn't give a shit about their feelings.I focused on him and listened.

"So let's talk about one thing"

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