"Back in Marley, there was this man, this General, who was telling the citizens about a chance for Eldians to become honorary Marleyans. He said that the power of the Titans could be ours, if we pledged ourselves to Marley and their cause."

"So, what did you do?" Her voice shook slightly, and she swallowed the feeling of understanding that washed over her.

"I..." He kept speaking, but it was silent again. She could no longer hear him, could only watch as his lips moved but no sound came out.

"Dammit!" She lunged forward and gripped the lapels of his coat, she wanted to shake him, wanted to scream at him, but he continued to act like he didn't notice her sudden change in behavior. "Why the fuck does this keep happening? Tell me what I need to know!"

"And then, on the wall...just before I was sent over, I was given something for you."

"What...What do you mean?"

"I need to activate your powers." He stepped forward, his hands hovering over her shoulders, as if he was afraid to touch her.

"You need to step away." She spoke lowly, and Grisha's eyes widened at his sister's words. She had never used that tone with him, never spoke to him as if he was the threat. It unnerved him.

"Do you understand?" His voice was shaky, and his gaze was ducked down, out of her sight.

"Understand what? You still won't tell me anything!" She screamed at him, and unlike usual, her brother flinched, as if he was actually afraid of her.

"All you have to do is follow their lead. Just do exactly as they do." He took a step back and his spine straightened, as if he was preparing himself for what he was about to do.

"Grisha." She gasped. "Wouldn't it be easier to just tell him the truth?" The truth about what? What am I saying? "He's been through enough, they all have." Grisha knew she was referring to Mikasa and Armin, as well as his son.

"No. He needs to forget...for now. You both do." Grisha finally revealed the contents of his pockets. She could see he was holding a syringe in his hand.

Grisha turned to look at his younger sister. She had matured so much in the years they'd been living on the island. She was respected and well loved by her fellow soldiers. She belonged here.

"What do you mean?" Her heart was beating out of her chest now. Grisha moved the way he always dead, and he rushed forward to stick the syringe in her neck, the bright purple liquid slowly draining into her veins. Her eyes began to feel heavy, her body becoming weightless, and her skin felt like it was burning. She grasped at her brother's jacket, trying to hold herself up. "Brother! What have you done?!"

"Sleep, my dear sister." Her brother gently laid her down on the couch. Her hands felt numb, and she couldn't move no matter how hard she willed her body to obey. Grisha turned to exit her office. With his hand on the doorknob, he turned to look at his younger sister one last time. "You will see home soon enough."

But I am home. Home is a sea of green cloaks and the Wings of Freedom.


Her eyes fluttered open, for once she wasn't gasping awake. The morning sun's rays warming her room, and she could see the way her curtains billowed in the breeze. Angharad breathed deeply, the scent of tea wafting from a few doors down. Already knowing who it was that as up this early, she smiled softly, stretching her limbs and flexing her wrists as she prepared herself for another day of training her titan form.

From Across the Sea (Attack on Titan/OC) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now