Chapter 34

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"'re special."




"Again?" Angharad spoke the words aloud, but all they did was echo in front of her.

A knock on the door.

She turned to see the same familiar door to her office. Like always, she had to enter first, and then wait for the second knock to answer it for her brother on the other side.

Another knock on the door.

'There it is.' She thought. "Come in". Grisha opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him. He looked horrible, and his hair was a mess, as if he had continuously run his hands through it for hours.

"I need to talk to you." His voice was hoarse, and scratchy.

"You can tell me anything." She responded the way she always did. "I'm your sister, you can trust me."

"I don't know if you'll feel that way after I tell you what I've been hiding."

"Hiding?" She took a step back from him now. "What are you hiding from me?"

"You're 33-years old now." Nope, I'm 38, actually. Her brother reached into his pocket and hid the contents behind his back. "You deserve to know the truth." She heard the sigh he let out, rather than watch his chest rise and fall with the action. Suddenly she realized that she could still hear his breathing, could still hear the way he stumbled over what he wanted to say rather than listen to his silent mouthing of the words. "There's something you need to see."

Oh my god, I can hear him!

"Brother, what is it?" Angharad spoke, hoping to sound encouraging, when really she was itching to find out more information her brain had found necessary to hide from her.

"My time is almost up." Grisha spoke softly, almost as if he was afraid of the words.

"What are you talking about?"

"My 13 years...The Attack Titan, the Founding Titan..."

"Grisha, you're really scaring me." Angharad moved forward, but Grisha only moved back. "What are you talking about?" She watched Grisha's eye flicker to hers nervously, and she couldn't help the way she snapped at him. "Don't lie to me! Tell me the truth."

"I need to pass on the power of the Titans."

"The power of the Titans?" She repeated. "I need more of an explanation than that!"

From Across the Sea (Attack on Titan/OC) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now