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Harley's POV
(3 days since Xander left)

"Harley, get your ass out of bed. You've been lying here for two days straight." Rachel threw the covers off of my body. I could hear the scraping of the curtains being pulled back. The sun assaulted my face immediately, making me moan in discomfort. "You stink. You haven't eaten all day. It's 6 pm, and you're still in bed. Get your shit together." She said.

"I know," I said, still not opening my eyes. The silk sheets were stained with sweat, and the room that was once pristine and luxurious was a mess. My stomach was in knots. It's been three days since he left; he kissed me and left me standing there. I waited for him to call or text. I even expected him to come back early, but he didn't. He didn't so much as send a message through Emilio or Pedro or Julian. He didn't care. He didn't care that I was worried sick that he was alive. He didn't care; my stomach was so twisted up I couldn't even eat. He didn't care. I haven't been sleeping at night just in case I hear him walk in. I was pathetic; Rachel was right.

"I turned the shower on for you and put some clothes in the bathroom. Go clean up." She said. "You look like hell."

"Okay, thanks," I squeaked and pushed myself off the bed slowly like I was an elderly woman with arthritis.

"I'll wait outside until you're done." Rachel said.

"Yeah, thanks." I nodded, giving her a weak smile. I didn't deserve someone like her. She's been with me every night. Watching over me, rubbing me back till I fell asleep.

"Don't worry so much, Harley. He'll be back soon. If something happened then, the Sanchez brothers wouldn't still be here. They aren't worried, so you shouldn't be." She patted my back softly. She's right. If Xander were in trouble, they'd be by his side right now. I just wish he'd at least call or even try to reach out. It's been dead silence since the minute he left. Rachel's words reminded me of something. My heart immediately jumped a little.

"Your right." I nodded softly.

"How about after your done showering, we watch a movie. I'll tell the boys to come and Brooke." She smiled. That sounds nice. It'd be a way to distract me from thinking about Xander.

"Okay." I nodded. "Deal."

"Good. Now go. I can't stand the smell of you anymore." She pushed me towards the bathroom.

"Ok." I gave a small wave and walked into the bathroom. The shower was already going. The steam from the hot water fogged up the mirrors and the glass surfaces. I didn't mind since I couldn't bear the sight of myself right now. I know I looked bad. Without much thought, I pulled my dirty shirt off and the musty shorts off my body. My underwear slides down my legs onto the floor below me. The smell of my underarms swirled around the air. "Gross," I muttered to myself. I stepped into the tiled shower floor. The hot water made the tile warm underneath my feet. The searing liquid pounded against my back as I stepped back closer to the head. My hands went into my hair, massaging the water in.

Honestly, I felt nice and refreshed by the time I got it. Sure the anxiety still bubbled deep down in my stomach, but I felt a small relief. When I got out of the bathroom, Julian, Emilio, and Pedro were spread out on my neatly made bed. Rachel must've cleaned the room while I was showering.

Emilio's giant frame turned to me. "Hey, shorty." He asked.

"Hey guys," I nodded, walking closer to them. Pedro was shorter than the rest of his brothers and had a more goofy sense of humor. He was nice to have around. Julian was quiet but threw in little ignorant comments to piss people off. It was his thing. I'd gotten used to them in this small amount of time. I'd made it a point not to mention anything to the boys. As much as I wanted to ask them about Xander, I didn't.

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