Chapter Forty Six

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The extra rubbing from Nakai made Wang Bao cry out but his voice was still muffled by Nakai's tongue filling his gaping mouth. Wang Bao's hand that had been fingering his hole quickly moved to hold onto Nakai's wrist on the hand that was jerking his front, but the grip was barely there thanks to his strength being taken away by his second orgasm. Nakai felt Wang Bao's body freeze before a weak stream of milky cum leaked out from his soft shaft; Nakai had been holding back his own orgasm ever since Wang Bao had begged him to fill him up, but when he felt Wang Bao's cum cover his cock again, he couldn't help but release his own milk. Grunting into Wang Bao's mouth from the kiss they had yet to pull away from, Nakai massaged his own cock head that was pushed through Wang Bao's thighs before pulling away from Wang Bao completely, emptying his load all over Wang Bao's back and buttocks. Before the water could wash all of his icing away, Nakai used his hand to push his cum inside Wang Bao's hole, using four fingers to massage Wang Bao's wet insides. Nakai found he quickly had to stop this despite Wang Bao's cries of pleasure because if he didn't stop, then they would keep going and it would risk one of them getting hurt.

Wang Bao wanted to continue but when he felt Nakai pull his fingers out and break their kiss, the cool down of his orgasm hit him and he was suddenly too exhausted to do anything. Nakai quickly rinsed off their bodies before pulling Wang Bao by the hand to move into the bedroom. Both men were glad to see a large hot meal each sitting on the small table, and they sat down without hesitation before digging in. The meal was a large bowl of meat stew with thick slices of buttered bread on the side; the hot meal warmed their insides while also making Wang Bao even more sleepy. Halfway through the meal he could no longer keep his eyes open, and by the time he was taking his last bite, Wang Bao was half asleep. They were both naked and a little damp from the shower but Nakai couldn't be bothered to dress Wang Bao or dry his hair. Helping the half asleep man up from his chair, Nakai guided Wang Bao who was barely awake, towards the large bed and tucked him under the blankets before following in as well. The movement had caused Wang Bao's damp hair to stick to his face, and Nakai softly brushed the strands away before looking over Wang Bao's wound.

The coin size hole in the side of Wang Bao's head had finally scabbed over and Nakai ran a finger over the area gently, but he quickly noticed how distressed Wang Bao became causing Nakai to slide his fingers over the lightning-like scar that went across the side of Wang Bao's head. Seeing the large pink bald patch and long scar saddened Nakai, especially since they would need to do the same to Wang Bao's other side to make everything suit his symmetrical features. At first Nakai didn't care much for Wang Bao's hair since he saw it as any other thing to do with the human body, but after spending so much time together he had grown to like how soft and jet black the fine strands were; the way the light bounced off in the sunlight was quite mesmerising and Nakai would find himself reaching to pat or stroke Wang Bao's hair unconsciously. While Nakai continued to run his fingers over Wang Bao's scar and hair, he was about to fall asleep when he felt Wang Bao stiffen.

Nakai quickly opened his eyes to see Wang Bao's face scrunched up, as if he was in pain while also mumbling frantically.

"Mother...please....please don't"

Nakai continued to rub over the scar to try and soothe Wang Bao, but he found it was only making Wang Bao react worse and he gently pulled Wang Bao closer to his chest instead. When Wang Bao felt the warmth from Nakai's body his eyes shot open, but it was clear he wasn't actually awake. Wang Bao started mumbling again but Nakai couldn't make out what was being said; before Wang Bao could become too overwhelmed with his bad dream, Nakai hugged Wang Bao close while whispering in his ear softly.

"Wang Bao, I'm here with you. You're safe with me."

. . . . . .

After Alo carried Mika into their room, he placed the small animal down on the bed before sitting at the small table in the corner of the room; all he wanted to do was to sleep for three days, but his body and clothes were too dirty and he was in desperate need of a shower first. Mika crawled in under the blanket before he changed back to his human form, causing a large lump to appear under the blankets. Mika couldn't remember the last time he had spent a full day in his beast form, and it took him a little while to adjust to being a human. While Mika continued to lay under the blankets, he heard Alo say from across the room.

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