Chapter 26: I Have LeBlanc Witch Cousins in Alaska

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[The Crescent pack are circling a perimeter out in the pouring rain as they protect a shed where Hayley is doting on Hope. Hayley eventually comes outside and joins Mary, who is under an awning, making some bundles of herbs]

MARY: How's those little ones?HAYLEY: Ophira is watching Hope who is sleeping right through the storm. [She sighs anxiously] Mary, I appreciate you coming, but you should know what you're going up against.MARY: [gives her a look] An ancient witch wants to steal my granddaughters? [She shakes her head] I knew a Hightower witch, Gisela Hightower's daughter, who was cousin's with Ophira's mother Luna, her daughter Adora was a good friend of mine Not on my watch.

[She holds up the bundle of herbs she's making]

MARY: I brought you something that might come in handy. In my youth, wolves and witches had a peace. [She holds a lighter in her free hand] Adora showed me how to use herbs to see if magic was afoot. Combine Solomon seal and snapdragon and burn 'em.

[She takes the lighter and lights the bundle of dried herbs and flowers on fire before setting the smoking bundle in a clay bowl]

MARY: If the smoke is white, all's clear. If it's black, there's a hex in the air. And, if it's red? Well, then you know you're in trouble.

[They both look down at the smoldering herbs, which are releasing a black smoke]

MARY: Just what I thought-- this storm ain't natural.HAYLEY: [sighs] It's Dahlia. She's trying to pin us down.

[Jackson and another werewolf join the women, each of whom have a bow in one hand and a quiver of arrows on their back]

JACKSON: The road to the highway is flooded. The quickest way out of here is on foot, through back roads.

[Hayley sighs, overwhelmed by everything that is happening]

JACKSON: What's wrong?HAYLEY: Elijah called. Klaus is gone. We don't know where he went.JACKSON: [sighs] That settles it-- we gotta get out of here.HAYLEY: What about the others?

[Jackson clenches his jaw anxiously. The scene cuts to Crescent wolves, who have all gathered around to listen to Hayley and Jackson update them on what is going on]

JACKSON: [shouts] Alright, everybody. Listen up!

[He looks to Hayley, who takes a deep breath before addressing her pack]

HAYLEY: I want to thank you all for staying with us. Protecting us. For the past few weeks, each one of you has shown me more kindness than I have ever known. Despite hardships and tragedy, you've all become the family I always wanted. You're my pack.

[The wolves all nod and mutter in agreement, and Hayley hesitates for a moment before continuing]

HAYLEY: But, I can't let you risk your lives any more than you already have. The witch is coming. She's powerful, and she's not gonna stop. [She looks at Jackson for encouragement] Jack and I will be better off taking Hope and Ophira and getting as far away as we can. [Hayley looks as though she's about to cry] Alone.

[The wolves all look confused and hurt]

HAYLEY: I want you to know how grateful I am for everything that you have offered me. Us. But, I can't be your queen anymore.

[All of the Crescent wolves kneel before Hayley, and Hayley looks devastated as she looks at all of them and realizes they're about to split up. Jackson takes her hand in his and kisses it]

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