Chapter 8: Excuse Me If I'm A Bit Perturbed

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[Downstairs, a very sick Kieran and Marcel are having a disagreement]

KIERAN: So, a century ago, you betrayed Klaus, the most dangerous vampire in history, and the only one that can save you is the girl that you had locked up in my attic. But, she's a basket case. So really, your only hope is my niece, psychoanalyst to resurrected teen witches. Does that about sum it up?MARCEL: [paces] You're pretty smug for a guy with a witch's hex. Davina's magic is your only shot at a cure.KIERAN: [stands up at walks over to Marcel] Let's not dance around the obvious. This hex is going to be the end of me.MARCEL: Look, every spell has a loophole. Alright? You, of all people, should have more faith.KIERAN: I lost my faith when Sean died. When I came back to New Orleans, I had nothing but hope of preventing a war between the vampires and the witches. And now, the witches are out of control, and you allowed an Original vampire to take control of the Quarter. No. There is no hope-- not for you, not for the city, and certainly not for me.
[Ophira walked into the church upset she walked past Marcel and Kieran]
OPHIRA: No he's right he will die
[Marcel grabbed her arm gently but firmly before she could walk past him]
MARCEL: Ophira excuse me for being blunt but what is your problem.
OPHIRA: My dad, Elijah and Rebekah are stuck in a cemetery while my dad is trying to kill Elijah and Rebekah so Marcellus excuse me if I'm a bit perturbed. Now if it pleases the prince I would like to go and help the other little witch in the attic. 
[Marcel dropped his hand and Ophira walked up the stairs]She walked into the room and Cami was exiting the room. 
DAVINA: Your a witch.
OPHIRA: Yeah I'm Ophira Hightower, and unlike most people I don't actually wanted or need anything from you. I'm just having a bad day so I thought the most productive thing I can do was help another witch. 
DAVINA: Thank you but you have no idea what its like.
OPHIRA: Don't presume to now anything about me. Let me tell you the story of my life. [they sat next to each other on Davina's bed] The first five years of my life were perfect I was a powerful witch with amazing parents and I could do anything I wanted. Then my parents were murder in front of my eyes. Klaus my adopted father saved me, I lived with him and Rebekah for three amazing years. Then I was shot in the chest I was going to die but a witch preserved my body, I was asleep for 91 year but the last seven years when I was healed I could feel and hear everything. Marcel cares about you Davina Claire there are people who care about you and if you believe it so you will get through this.
DAVINA: Thank you. [Davina gave her a small smile and Ophira smiled back]
OPHIRA: [she gets off the bed] Now I need to go talk to a witch but if ever want to talk you can come to me.
[Davina nodded and Ophira left and headed to see the witch Genevieve.]

Marcel was talking to Genevieve when Ophira walked into the Lycée

GENEVIEVE: The trouble with the witches in this city is they lack direction. Fortunately, our coven has found a new leader-- me. You ask a favor of me, to lower Celeste's boundary spell, but you don't control the witches anymore.MARCEL: You want to help your people, you need to broker peace, a treaty with the vampires. I can help.GENEVIEVE: The last time I arrived for a negotiation, you tried to kill me.MARCEL: I learned my lesson-- If you can't beat them, make them an offer. So, here's the deal. You help me right now-- you have my word-- vampires stay out of the Cauldron. No more executions.GENEVIEVE: A nice start
OPHIRA: I'm Ophira Hightower.
GENEVIEVE: A Hightower witch I've never met one of you but I heard you are powerful witches and family of the Mikaelson I'm guessing you also want me to bring down the boundary spell. 
OPHIRA: I do I can't currently do it the witch Celeste made sure of that she made it so no Mikaelson or Hightower witch could take it down. Genevieve I don't only care about the Mikaelson I am a New Orleans witch born and raised. The witches deserve better I told Marcellus that the day we met. So please lower the spell and accept the truce. 
GENEVIEVE: I like you Ophira but if you want my help lowering that spell, you're going to have to give us Davina Claire.MARCEL: Haven't your people done enough to that girl?GENEVIEVE: You must know it's your fault she suffered in death. She was shunned by the ancestors because of her alliance with you, but all that's over. Now, we can welcome her home. She will be revered by her people, and I will teach her how to control her power. Give her a home where she's safe, not surrounded by vampires. Bring Davina to us, and I'll find a way to break Celeste's spell. If not, well, let's just say that I won't be the one to mourn Rebekah.

[Ophira and Marcel walk out of the Lycée]

MARCEL: You sound like her.


MARCEL: Zinnia she was fun and rebellious but she could be diplomatic, kind, respectful, mature and she just wanted to help people. I see that in you as well.

OPHIRA: Thank you Marcel.

MARCEL: Klaus said you have good instinct so let me ask you what do you think of Genevieve and her intentions for Davina?

OPHIRA: Well I've only just met her I can't form a complete opinion on her but I believe she does genuinely want to help Davina and the witches. Though be careful she seems selfish and ready to do anything to survive. So don't fully trust her. 

At the Compound

Klaus went upstairs to see Ophira he opened to the door to her room. 


She ran up to him but noticing he was upset she stopped right in front of him.

KLAUS: Rebekah wouldn't be coming back.


KLAUS: I'm sorry Little Witch I'm sorry for leaving you today.

OPHIRA: It's ok I spent the day with Marcel and I met Davina. 

[There was a bang down stairs]

KLAUS: I'm going to go see what that is

[Klaus left after... she felt a fast breeze come out of her window and sitting on her bed a small box and letter that said Ophira]

She opened the letter and it said:

Dear Ophira,

If Klaus hasn't told you but I'm leaving New Orleans.                                                                                     I'm going to go live my life outside of New Orleans. I'm sorry I couldn't say good bye but I needed to leave as soon as possible. Ophira I love you always have always will.                                      Please take care of your sister and do what your heart desires practice magic, do ballet and stand up for what you believe in.                                                                                                                                    In closed in that box is a necklace. It belonged to Zinnia Hightower I held on to after she died I think you should have it. Wear it for me Always + Forever.

Love, Bekah

[She opened the box and put the necklace on] 

OPHIRA: I will [she whispered to herself holding the pendant.] 

And she did from that day on she wore that necklace as a sign of her family for the rest of her long life... But this is definitely not the end.

 But this is definitely not the end

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The Zinnia Necklace

Little Witches | Mikaelson Fanfic [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now