Chapter 24: Black Dahlia's

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JOSEPHINE / DAHLIA: The time has come to add the child's power to my own. Though, I do not detect her here. I see you've used a spell to cloak her. No matter-- such spells will yield, as will you. Say your farewells. You have 'til nightfall tomorrow, and then the child shall be mine. Be a dear and inform the mother? No reason we can't be civilized about this.

[Ophira comes up behind her]

OPHIRA: I think I could find one, since Josephine is already dead, me doing this will really cause not harm, Labi. [She casts and Josephine's head falls off her body, ad her body collapses.]

St. James Infirmary 

[Hayley, Ophira and Hope are sitting together on the stage of the jazz club when she suddenly sees green vines magically creeping up the outside and inside walls of the building. They become so thick and numerous that eventually, they completely cover the windows. Hayley and Ophira stand up, Hayley holds Hope protectively in her arms, and a handful of werewolf guards join them in investigating the vines, which are now blooming with blood-red flowers. Hayley recognizes the flowers from there encounter with Dahlia's proxies the previous day]

OPHIRA: [scared] They're dahlias. 
HAYLEY: She knows we're here.

[After the break, Dahlia walks down the stone stairs that lead to St. James Infirmary. She sees a nearby werewolf guard calling someone on a cell phone and flicks her fingers to knock out the cell service]

DAHLIA: [chants] Vidau.

[The werewolf takes the phone away from his ear and looks at it in confusion. Dahlia flicks her fingers again, this time toward the safe house itself]

DAHLIA: [chants] Vidau.

[Hayley has just picked up her phone to call for help, but because of Dahlia's spell, the call doesn't go through. Back outside, Dahlia sits down on a stone wall and clenches her hands into fists before twisting them as though she were wringing out a wet washcloth, which snaps the spine of another werewolf guard who is pacing nearby. Inside, Hayley tries to call Klaus on the landline phone, but the call still doesn't go through. She hangs up the phone and turns to one of the guards, looking anxious]

HAYLEY: I need you to go get help. Now.

[Dahlia is walking toward the entrance when the werewolf rushes toward her, and Dahlia almost looks bored as she thrusts her hand forward and twists her wrist, which snaps the werewolf's neck]


[The werewolf falls dead to the floor, and Dahlia steps past him and smiles when she reaches the entrance to the jazz club/safe house. She stops right outside the threshold and holds her hand horizontally in front of her face as she whistles the tune that she hummed to Freya as a child, which travels across her flat hand and into the safe house, where Hayley hears it echoing loudly around the room and becomes terrified]

[Hayley is pacing anxiously around inside the safe house with Hope in her arms. She looks extremely nervous as Hope chews on a toy obliviously.]

HAYLEY: It's okay, baby girl.
OPHIRA: Every things going to be fine. 

[Dahlia has made it through the entrance of the jazz club and is walking into the front hall, whose walls are now covered in vines and dahlia flowers. She finally finds the doorway to the room where Hayley and Hope are standing, but stops just outside the doorway. Hayley clutches Hope tightly to her chest and glares at her. Hayley grasped Ophira's hand. When Dahlia sees Hope and Ophira, she clutches her heart and gasps]

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