Chapter 23: That Witch!

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[As Eva's spirit dies, Marcel and Vincent both gasp themselves awake on the floor of the warehouse. The force of the spell as it breaks pushes Freya, Klaus, and Elijah away from each other, which seems to relief the exhausted Freya. Marcel immediately sits up and looks over at Eva's body, which is still laying unconscious on the floor. He and Vincent both look up at Freya, Klaus, and Elijah, who all seem worried]

KLAUS: [anxiously] Did it work?

[Suddenly, Marcel hears a small, familiar-sounding female voice in the next room, and vamp-speeds to the source of the sound. It's Davina, who has just awakened on the floor, and who looks extremely confused.]

DAVINA: Where am I?

[After a moment, Josephine and the other children start to wake up as well, all of whom look equally confused to find themselves there. Marcel shouts to the others in relief]

MARCEL: They're okay!

[He rushes over to Davina and kneels down so he can give her a big hug]

DAVINA: Marcel!

[In the other room, Vincent is tending to his arm wound as Elijah walks over to Eva's body. Klaus looks devastated, and turns to Freya, who looks equally upset. Klaus goes over to Ophira and picks her up, feeding her his blood.]

KLAUS: Why isn't she waking??

[Freya shakes her head desperately, as though to prove she had no intention of anything bad happening to Rebekah. Suddenly, Eva/Rebekah awakens with a gasp and sits straight up, and the other four look at her warily, unsure at whom they're looking. After a moment, Rebekah sighs in relief and smiles at the sight of her family]

REBEKAH: [breathing deeply] Bloody hell!
[Ophira then wakes]
OPHIRA: That Witch!
KLAUS: Thats my girls. [He hugs her a kisses her forehead]

[The various New Orleans covens, along with the Mikaelson's, Ophira, Hayley, and Gia, have gathered at the compound, where Josephine is presenting Freya with a necklace with a turquoise pendant. She fastens the necklace around Freya's neck, and they all smile happily]

[Klaus is on the nearby staircase, watching as Freya is presented with the necklace and scowling suspiciously at her. Everyone claps in Freya's honor as she gives Josephine a hug

OPHIRA: Yay Freya [she cheers, and both Rebekah and Elijah are at her side, smiling proudly at her, Josephine pulls away from her hug with Freya and faces her]

JOSEPHINE: You're one of us, now. New Orleans is your home.

[Freya smiles at her happily]

JOSEPHINE: Your friends are our friends; your enemies, ours.


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