Chapter 2: I'm Ophira, The Adopted Daughter

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The Compound
THIERRRY: [hesitantly] Look, I know you and Klaus are friends, but the fact is, since the Originals showed up—

Before Thierry can continue, Klaus and Ophira arrives and enters the room.

KLAUS: Oh, come now, Thierry. You're not still upset about that little, toxic werewolf bite I gave you, are you? I thought we were at bygones.THIERRY: [turns to Marcel in annoyance] I see you've given him free rein of your compound now, too.KLAUS: Yes. Well, seeing as my family and I lived here-- built the place, in fact—-MARCEL: [interrupts them] All right. Come on. You both know the drill. Thierry's my guy, inner circle. Klaus is my old-time friend and sire. He's also a guest here. Peace, all right? All right. [He turns to Klaus] What you need, my brother?KLAUS: [sighs] I'm afraid my sister Rebekah is insisting I demand Elijah's return. She's quite worked up about it.MARCEL: I'll say.THIERRY: [scoffs] We're not gonna have three Originals walking around town, are we? Half our guys think the sister killed the nightwalkers.KLAUS: [coldly] Is that an accusation.
OPHIRA: Against an OriginalTHIERRY: Eh.
OPHIRA: And I thought you guys sane.

[Klaus goes storms at Thierry, who looks to be ready for a confrontation, but Marcel intervenes before they can be violent]

MARCEL: [to Thierry] What did I say about peace? [He turns to Klaus] Come on. Walk with me.

Klaus smiles smugly at Thierry as Marcel steers him out of the room and onto the balcony overlooking the courtyard and Ophira follows.

KLAUS: [unamused] You inner circle man lacks a sense of humor.MARCEL: He's a little overprotective, but loyal to a fault. I saved his life back in the '40s, found him dying of a war wound outside a hospital. He'd kill for me and die for me. Plus, that boy can play the trumpet like you would not believe. Maybe I'll see if he can play a little tonight at the party. You guys coming, right?
Ophira looks at Klaus and he nods. KLAUS: How can I miss my chance to meet the city councilman as he accepts your gigantic charitable donation?MARCEL: [laughs] Oh, he's a schmuck, but he lets us do our thing in exchange for certain community services, like keeping our fangs out of the locals. [He hesitates for a moment] Listen, about your brother... I would love to help you out, but Thierry is right. My guys are on edge. They see the Original family moving in, vampires dying? It makes them nervous. If I hand Elijah back now, it might give the wrong impression about who's really in charge here. You know what I mean?

[Klaus is clearly angered by this response, but he maintains his poker face and plays it cool]

KLAUS: [smiles fakely] You understand-- I had to ask.
Later The Compound: Masquerade Ball

Later The Compound: Masquerade Ball

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Ophira's Outfit

Rebekah, Ophira and Klaus enter the party, arm in arm, taking in the dark, wild atmosphere. Klaus is wearing a black suit with a black dress shirt and tie, and Rebekah is dressed in a matching black peplum cocktail dress and a hairpiece with black feathers and beads. Acrobats perform, dancers handle exotic animals, and confetti falls glittering upon the party guests

KLAUS: [smiles] Well, this certainly is a fitting backdrop for tonight's events, I must say.

Rebekah and Klaus spot Cami as she enters the party, wearing white angel's wings and a vintage white beaded dress. Rebekah looks pleased, but Klaus' smile falls

KLAUS: [suspicious] What's she doing here?REBEKAH: What better way to distract Marcel than to put his very human new girl in a room chock full of vampires?

Klaus seems very unhappy with this decision on Rebekah's part as she crosses the courtyard to greet Cami. Klaus sighs and follows behind her

REBEKAH: [smiles] Hello, darling. You look precious.

Marcel notices Cami's arrival from a balcony above and frowns.

CAMI: This party is ridiculous, but I think I went a bit splashy with this dress.

Cami makes eye contact with Klaus and nods at him in acknowledgment as he joins them before she before turning back to Rebekah

CAMI: Is he the infamous on-again/off-again?KLAUS: [smiles] He's the brother, actually, and my sister is right. You do look stunning.CAMI: You clean up pretty well yourself.KLAUS: [smiles smugly] Well, don't be fooled, love. I'm the devil in disguise.REBEKAH: You two chit-chat. I need booze.

Rebekah heads to the bar

KLAUS: Shall we?CAMI: Okay.

Klaus offers her his arm and Cami takes it. Cami notices Ophira.

CAMI: And who might you be?
Ophira extends her hand and says.
OPHIRA: Ophira, Klaus' adopted daughter.
CAMI: Nice to meet you Ophira.
They both smile as they shake hands. Klaus smiles at the girls. Across the courtyard, Cami and Klaus talk while Cami subtly watches Rebekah with Marcel at the bar
CAMI: The guy of hers Rebekah was talking about... I'm sensing that would be Marcel.KLAUS: I wouldn't worry about it. Ancient history.CAMI: I'm beginning to think your sister is a bit of [she whispers so Ophira doesn't here] a bitch.

[Klaus laughs heartily]

KLAUS: It's as though she invented the term!

Cami gazes at Klaus; he seems drawn in for a moment but catches himself as he spots Marcel getting ready to approach them

KLAUS: Listen. Pardon me for a moment.

Across the courtyard, Klaus and Rebekah have their own conversation.

KLAUS: You really are a hideously evil little thing, aren't you?REBEKAH: Nonsense. They're perfect for each other! You wanted Marcel distracted? Voilà.

Diego enters the courtyard and sees Marcel dancing with Cami, their faces nearly touching each other. Diego looks anxious as he interrupts them and whispers in Marcel's ear

REBEKAH: [to Klaus] Thats are cue to leave.
Rebekah grabs Ophira's hand.
Back at the Mansion

Ophira was in the kitchen with her grimoire and some herbs. Every Hightower witch sense Dahlia all had one daughter, on rare occasions two daughters who where half sisters. She found a potion recipe that was supposed to help with the growth and health of the baby and the mother. Also supposed to help with any pain the mother is in. Hayley walked into the kitchen.

HAYLEY: What are you making Fera?

OPHIRA: It's called Gravida Auxilium its actually for you, it's an old Hightower potion to help with pregnancy.

She pours a green liquid into a cup and hands it to Hayley. She picks it up suspiciously smelling it. She drinks it quickly, after she has a surprisingly good expression. 

HAYLEY: Wow that is actually really good Fera. Thanks.

OPHIRA: No problem.

HAYLEY: Oh and I found something out today. The baby is a girl.

A smile crept on to Ophira's face.


Ophira runs over to Hayley lightly hugging her. 

OPHIRA: I love Klaus but we don't need a mini Klaus.

Klaus walks into the room leaning against the doorway.

KLAUS: I'm offended.

Klaus sarcastically mocks.

KLAUS: Come on love we need to get you to bed.

She grabs her grimoire.

OPHIRA: Goodnight Hayley.

HAYLEY: 'Night Fera

Ophira walks over to Klaus grabbing his hand and they walk to her room.

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