She won't hurt you

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Hope and Josie were on there way back to the Salvatore boarding school. Up on arriving Josie and Hope headed straight for Alaric's office. Walking in, Alaric looked up and noticed Hope next to Josie, Almost instantly he grabbed his crossbow "Josie what's going on?" Josie walked towards her dad slowly "Dad, put the crossbow down, Hopes got her humanity back. She's not a danger anymore". Alaric looked at Hope lowering his crossbow. Up on seeing Hope give him a small smile, He dropped the crossbow on his desk and walked over to her pulling her into a hug "Hope, I'm glad your back". Hope was taken aback by the sudden affection but hugged Alaric back. After Alaric pulled away from the hug Hope began speaking "I just want to apologize for all the trouble I caused you, I didn't mean to hurt anyone". Alaric just smiled and nodded "It's okay, we should talk about what we are going to do now you are back to yourself". Hope nodded "Can we talk about it later? I want to apologize to Lizzie first". Alaric nodded but was a little apprehensive "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Hope was about to speak when Josie cut in "It will be fine dad, I'll be there with them". Alaric looked at Josie agreeing before they headed out the office towards Lizzie's room.

Hope and Josie arrived outside the room And Josie siphoned the spell keeping Hope out. Walking In Hope spotted Lizzie on her bed. Hope frowned seeing that the girl looked emotionally and physically tired and couldn't help but feel bad as she knew she was responsible. Lizzie looked up and as soon as her eyes met Hope's she quickly Siphoned some magic from her side standing up defensively. "Lizzie, calm down, She's turned her humanity back on". Lizzie looked at Josie worried "Are you sure? She said that last time then killed you". Josie went to speak but was cut off by Hope "Lizzie please listen to me. I am no threat to you anymore, I'm really sorry about what I did". Lizzie still looked scared and rightfully so. After all Hope had threatened to kill everyone she loved and her. "I don't trust you, If you have your humanity back stay away from me, Please". Hope took a few steps backwards "If that's what you want". Lizzie relaxed a little bit then looked at Josie "Can you please re put up that barrier spell, I'm not comfortable with this yet". Josie nodded "Of course". As she left the room Josie stood in the door and began to put the barrier spell up when Hope stepped a little closer to her "Let me help you put it back up". Josie looked at Hope confused "I thought you couldn't use your magic". Hope frowned as she answered "It's still a little out of control but it's just a barrier spell it should be fine. I think it was a little out of control because I was trying to do difficult spells first before building it back up. My energy has been unfocused since my change". Josie nodded as she looked at Hope "Okay, It shouldn't take long, Just repeat after me".

 Hope nodded and they quickly chanted together and soon enough there was a barrier spell in front of Lizzie's room. Hope smiled as she looked at Josie "we did it". Josie smiled and nodded "We did indeed". Hope leaned in and kissed Josie, After a few seconds they pulled away smiling at each other. Josie turned to Lizzie still smiling "It's done. Hope can no longer enter your room" Lizzie thanked her sister before waving her hand and using magic to close her door. Hope looked at Josie frowning "You know, Now I can't go in Lizzie's room I have no where to stay". Josie smiled as she took Hope's hand "You can stay in my room with me". Hope nodded slightly but raised her eyebrow "What about Finch?" Josie frowned a little and shrugged her shoulders "She can move back in with Lizzie". Hope smiled as she began leading Josie towards her old room "Let's go take a nap, I'm tired". Josie nodded and Followed behind Hope smiling "Sounds Like a plan".

They reached Josie's room and walked in and the first thing Hope did was began changing the covers. Josie understood why and helped. Once the covers had been changed Josie handed Hope some tracksuit bottoms and a top. Hope took them gratefully and smiled "Can I use your shower? I smell Like old blood". Josie nodded "You don't have to ask, It was your room before mine". Hope smiled and kissed Josie before heading into the shower. After about 20 minutes Hope emerged from the shower in Josie's tracksuit bottoms and top. She saw That Josie wasn't in the room and frowned as she climbed into the bed. After a few moments though the door opened and Josie walked sipping on blood bag, while carrying another  one in her hand. "Is that for me?" Josie looked at Hope smiling as she shut the door behind her "Yeah, it is". Josie offered Hope the blood Bag and Hope took it "Thank you Jo". Josie smiled as she sat down Kissing Hope on her forehead "Your welcome Love".  

The girls sat in silence for a while until Josie spoke "Are you okay baby?" Hope looked at her shrugging "I mean I'm as good as I can be. I feel so guilty about what I've done, Of what I allowed myself to become". Josie moved closer to Hope and took her hand "It's going to be okay, I am going to be here for you every step of the way, I promise". Hope smiled as she put her now empty blood bag on the side "Come and lay with me". Josie had also finished and handed Hope the empty bag before climbing in the bed and laying next to Hope facing her. "Jo, Can you promise me one more thing?" Josie smiled as she ran her fingers through Hope's hair "Anything". Hope smiled as she looked at Josie "Promise we will never break up again. Because I feel like if we did. I would tear the world apart just to get you back". Josie smiled as she looked into Hope's baby blue eye's "I promise, But you have to promise to never leave me again either". Hope smiled as she leaned over kissing Josie "Like I said, I would rather tear the world apart, then loose you again". Josie smiled and both girls laid in silence until finally they both fell asleep. 

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