Want her back

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Hope was watching as Alaric unlocked Josies cell. Walking in he pulled her into a hug as did Lizzie, Caroline and Finally Finch. Hope however just stood outside it as they all reassured her that she would be okay. Hope didn't speak instead she looked down at her arm checking the mark that was gradually re appearing. Hope couldn't feel Josies emotions yet but that might have been because the mark was very faded and she had been absent from Josies life for a while. Hope missed being able to feel Josie it's one of the things that made it so hard when she first left. Hope watched as Finch kissed Josie and comforted her, speaking reassuring words that was soothing Josies sorrows. Hope hated it. Hope wanted nothing more than to run up to Finch and put her in her place. The alpha in Hope screaming for her to challenge Finch for Josies hand, but she remained still rooted to the spot. She thought back to last time it happened, the way Finch had beat her to the Floor. The way Josie watched as she lost. The embarrassment she felt as she looked up at Josie while covered in blood. Hope never wanted to feel that powerless again, never wanted to lose another fight again.

After a few minutes of just standing and watching Hope finally walked over to Josie "Hey Jo, I'm so sorry that I tricked you. I just wanted to help everyone get you back". Josie nodded and smiled lightly as she cuddled further into Finch who was currently Holding her "Its ok Hope, it's good to see you back. But when are you going back to new Orleans?" Hope was taken aback by Josies words, Did Josie want her to go back to new Orleans? Hope shook her head "Jo, I'm not going back, I mean I may visit there but I'm back, For good". Josie nodded slowly and smiled "Well it's good to have you back, Sorry you were dragged into this". Hope shook her head "Don't worry about it, I'd do anything for you". Josie just nodded as she turned to Finch "Hey can we go back to our room? I'm tired". Finch nodded and smiled at everyone letting them know she would watch her, Before turning to Hope "Thanks for getting her back, but now stick to your word. You Mikaelsons do that right?" Hope just nodded as Finch smiled and hurried to catch up with Josie.

Hope knew she was going to struggle to keep her word, but she thought about Josie and everything that had happened and decided it was for the best. Everyone thanked her and kept praising her for the rest of the day but Hope just didn't care. The only person she could think about was Josie, she didn't know how she had gone so long without her. Her face, her smile, her deep brown eyes. Hope wished she could just lose herself in the girl, but knew her chance had passed, at least for now. Everyone was doing their own thing and Hope just watched taking in how things had changed, she watched how Alaric was talking to Caroline about Counselling for Josie. She watched as Lizzie was with MG as always, and Hope was sure they were still dating. And she watched as her Josie, The once quiet and timid girl, Was now running around with the loud boisterous wolf pack. Which Hope was pretty sure Finch was now the Alpha of. 

Hope was sitting in the gym watching as the wolves played dodgeball, She watched as they would get over excited, Hi fiving each other and being generally loud. And she watched as Josie seemed so uncomfortable and Out of place when she was pulled into the celebration by Finch. Although Hope had told Finch she wouldn't go near Josie, That didn't mean she wouldn't still watch from a distance. It was lunch time by the time the Wolves had finished in the gym, Finch had sat with Josie while everyone else had packed the dodgeballs away. Once the gym was cleaned they all walked over to her as if waiting orders and it made Hope angry. The thought that Finch had everything that Hope could have had, made her feel a rage she never thought would go away, That was until she looked to Josie and saw brown eyes staring back at her. Hope's rage instantly vanished and was replaced by longing. The way Josie was looking at her now, Was a way that Hope was so familiar with. It was a look of pure love. Hope smiled and Josie smiled back, They sat eyes glued to each other, Until Josie snapped her eyes away when she Felt Finch's Lips on her neck. Hope however Didn't look away, She watched as Finch covered Josie's neck in kisses and she watched as her hand Slid up Josie's Skirt
which Hope could see Josie was uncomfortable with, not like when it used to be her. Josie used to love the affection from her. Hope stood and Vamped out of the gym, seeing another girl touching Josie like that was too much.

Hope was feeling so many emotions right now that she considered turning them off, The only reason she didn't was because she thought that if she did, whatever she would do next would further hurt Josie. Right now she was the only thing Hope was Holding on for. Hope was quiet for the duration of her walk back to her room. Once she entered she looked over to Lizzies bed and saw it empty smiling to herself in relief as she crawled into hers and laid for a while before drifting off to sleep.

Hosie: My life was better when you were in itWhere stories live. Discover now