The blood here isn't nice

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Hope woke up, she looked around and remembered the party last night. She thought about the way her and Josie had spoken about dreams, and how Josie had Known she had dreamed of Her during her nap yesterday. Climbing out of bed Hope suddenly felt very hungry, She walked out of Her and Lizzies room and began heading down to the kitchen. It was still early so Hope didn't think anyone would be up. Walking into the kitchen Hope instantly noticed Josie who was sitting on the counter with a blood bag. Hope could instantly smell that it was human and her veins began pulsing and appearing under her eyes. Josie looked up noticing Hope was here and saw her face. Josie walked over to the fridge opening it and grabbed some blood, before handing it to her "here you look hungry". Hope nodded at Josie as a thank you before walking to the counter across from where Josie was sitting and sat down. 

Josie followed taking a seat in her original spot before continuing to drink. She looked up at Hope who had just took a sip from her blood bag "What the hell is this, its bitter and disgusting". Josie giggled "yeah it really is, I think its maybe deer or rabbit or something". Hope frowned taking another mouthful and grimacing "No wonder you can't drink this stuff". Josie just giggled before going silent a second. Hope noticed and went to speak but she was cut off as Josie stood up and walked over to her. Josie removed the blood bag from Hope's hand and Hope went to protest, but instead she was surprised when Josie Bit into her own wrist and Put it to Hope's mouth. Hope looked at as it started to heal then looked up at Josie who just smiled reassuringly. Hope instantly latched her fangs into Josie skin and began to drink. They stood there for about 5 minutes until Hope pulled away. In a matter of seconds Josie's wrist healed and she pulled it back "Is that better then the animal blood?" Hope felt her eyes flash gold as she looked how dark Josie's eyes had gone "Yes, Much better".

Josie grinned before grabbing her blood bag from the side and turning to Hope once more before leaving the kitchen "If you ever want a snack that isn't thumper or Bambi, come find me, You can eat me anytime". And with that Josie Vamped out of the kitchen, leaving Hope alone on the counter smiling and slightly turned on because of her suggestive wording.

Everyone was starting to wake up now, Hope could hear them in the halls. Standing up she decided to head up to her and Lizzies room and get dressed. Walking in she saw Lizzie still asleep and laughed quietly to herself. Hope grabbed a pair of skinny Jean's, some black heels, and the top she had stole from Josie's room and headed into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. After about 15 minutes Hope walked out brushing her hair. Before grabbing a bag she had prepared last night for classes, and heading down to the canteen. It didn't take Hope long to get there and It was exactly how she remembered, Everyone was sitting in their designated spots. A group of vamps one side, the wolf pack the other the witches spread out throughout the room. Then there was the mixed table the one where Josie, MG, Lizzie, Landon, Raf and herself used to sit. But now in place of her, It was now Finch.

Hope walked over greeting them all before MG spoke up "Hope it's great to have you back, I heard your a vampire now, we will have to spar together sometime. Also have you seen Lizzie?" Hope smiled at MG "Yeah sounds good, but don't be a sore loser when I win. Also yeah she's still in bed". MG rolled his eyes and laughed a little "Of course not, and I thought she would be. I'm going to get her up see ya later". MG vamped off and Hope looked down at Finch who was staring at her "Can I sit here?" Finch grinned The Alpha in her liking Hopes compliance and nodded as Hope took a seat opposite her. Once she was seated she looked at Josie "Morning Jo". Josie smiled at her and Hope felt her whole body fill with Happiness "Morning Hope". After a short conversation between everyone and awkward and tense glares shared between Finch and Hope. It was finally time for classes. Hope stood up and said bye to everyone as she headed towards her first class. Half way there she heard a voice behind her "Hope, I think we have the same classes together today. Would you want to sit with me?". Hope knew she should say no but she couldn't help herself. Nodding and smiling Hope agreed to sit with Josie.

As they walked into class together they could hear a few whispers from the students "I heard she's a full Tribrid now, yeah well I heard Josie's the only heretic. What a power couple". Hope and Josie looked at each other giggling a little bit before taking a seat at the back. During the class Hope had noticed that some how there hands had intertwined on the desk. Hope Swallowed but daren't move her hand as she was worried that if she did, She would lose this moment forever. They sat like that, taking notes and answering questions the whole lesson until the teacher dismissed them. On the way to their next lesson Hope and Josie walked past a class of students doing healing magic. As they walked passed Hope instantly smelt blood and almost instinctually her eyes turned gold and her veins began pulsing under her eyes. Josie's did the same but she swallowed thickly as she dragged Hope away from the class room and down into the kitchen. Josie went in the big fridge before rustling around a little bit and returning holding two bags of Blood. Josie passed one to Hope and had one for herself.

Hope looked at Josie "Where did you get human blood?" Josie smiled as she shut the fridge and began taking a mouthful of blood from the bag "I have my own stash as I can't drink animal blood. My mum convinced my dad to let me have my own human blood in the walk in. None of the other vampires are able to get to it though as its concealed in a box only I can open with a spell". Hope nodded understanding "Smart, but what if someone, say me for example, wanted to share this stash with you?" Josie laughed as she answered Hope "I would say I could teach you the spell to unlock it, but because you have no magic It wouldn't work, so instead whenever your hungry just come find me and I'll unlock it for you". Hope smiled and nodded "thanks Jo". Hope watched as Josie took another mouthful of blood before putting the blood that Josie had handed her down. Josie looked at her questioningly but Hope just smirked "Is the offer to eat you still open?" Josie almost choked on the blood as she slowly nodded her head. Within Seconds Hope was behind Josie kissing her neck before biting down. Josie stood just letting Hope feed  until she finally pulled away "Thank you Jo". Josie smiled as she took a sip of her blood bag "Anytime". 

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