Find her before we lose her

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Hope was at the flower field leaning up against a tree waiting for Josie. It didn't take long before she turned up "Hi, Hope". Hope smiled walking up to her and kissing her "Hey, are you okay?" Josie's face seemed a little bit sad but Hope could see determination in Josie eyes "I'm fine Hope, listen, I'm going away for a while and I'm not sure when I will be back. but be sure to look after yourself and just know that I WILL be back, and when I am I will have the answers to every question you might have ever had about our soul bond. I love you Hope and I will miss you". 

Lizzie was at a party with MG, Finch, Hope, Landon and Raf. She was sitting by a fire when she was approached by Josie "Hey, Lizzie, You got a sec?" Lizzie nodded and smiled "For you dear sister of course I do". Josie sat Next to her and began speaking "I'm going on a trip, I'm not sure how long I will be gone but I want you to look after yourself and if you ever need me you can phone me. Make sure to look after dad for me to. Let him know I will miss him, I will see you both again when I return, I love you both so much".

Finch woke up and felt around for Josie but she wasn't there. Sitting up in bed she noticed a note on the side that was addressed  to her. Picking it up she unfolded the paper and began reading: 

Finch, I am so sorry that I'm doing this through a letter but I am not brave enough to tell you to your face. I love you, but deep down we both knew I belonged with Hope. I will be absent for a while and I hope it gives you time to understand, but I will miss you. After Hope left you were always there for me and you made me happy. I know we had our ups and downs but Deep down I knew we would work through it. I know that you will be hurt and for that I will forever be sorry. Anyway Please don't hate me. I will return from my trip soon and Hopefully by then you will be able to forgive me. Bye Finch. Josie.

Finch felt tears falling from her eyes as she got out of bed. Grabbing some clothes she threw them on before making her way down the hall. Once she reached Lizzie's room she began banging on the door. After a few seconds Hope answered and Finch instantly punched her in the face knocking her off balance as she fell to the floor. "WHERE IS SHE!?" Hope crawled to her feet and wiped the blood from under her nose, Lizzie was awake by now and was staring as the scene unfolded in front of her "Where's who?" Finch growled before launching herself at Hope and throwing her backwards into a dresser "Don't play dumb with me Hope, Where's Josie?" Hope once again stood up as she spoke "I don't know, why?" Finch threw the letter at Hope who picked it up and read it. "Oh my god, Lizzie we need to find your dad now". Lizzie rushed out of bed Looking over Hopes shoulder at the note. Frowning Lizzie rushed to grab a Hoodie before turning to Hope and Finch, "We need to go and Find My dad, Finch bring the note". Finch nodded and Followed Lizzie along with Hope. 

Lizzie barged into Alaric's office without knocking "Dad, Josie has left". Alaric looked away from his paperwork before rushing up "What do you mean?" Lizzie gave Alaric the note who took it and began reading through it. Once finished he looked up at the girls "Erm, Okay, let me think. Lizzie can you do a locator spell and see if you can find where she's headed. Finch, I will see if I can Find a moonlight ring. It will allow you to shift at will and Hopefully you will be able to track her using her scent. I will call Caroline and see if she can Get Hold of Josie. Meet me back here in a hour. Everyone nodded before heading off to do what Alaric had asked. Hope And Lizzie headed into Josie's room along with Finch. Grabbing all the materials they needed they set them up before Hope turned to Lizzie, "Okay siphon from me".  Lizzie nodded before she pulled her necklace off that she was wearing. Hope noticed that connected to Lizzie's necklace was a small vial. Raising her eyebrow she looked at Lizzie "Is it normal for you to carry around a vial of your sisters blood?" Lizzie just shrugged "I have like 3 more in my draw in my room". Hope looked at her strangely but none the less Lizzie poured the blood onto the map and began Chanting while using Hope as a source of Power "Ahsorum, dolusantum, infidictus". She repeated it a few times but nothing happened. Lizzie Began feeling frustrated as she stood up using her magic to throw a chair into the wall. Hope stood up grabbing her shoulder "Lizzie, Look at me, Breath Come on just copy me". Lizzie did and eventually calmed down as she began crying "She's going to get herself killed". Hope frowned "No she won't, she's strong, we will find her. Lets go back to your dad and tell Him she's cloaked herself okay?". Lizzie Nodded before looking at Finch "You coming? Finch looked up at Lizzie nodding as she followed them out the room and down to Alaric's office.  Walking In Hope and Lizzie explained that Josie had cloaked herself. Alaric ran His hand through his hair before standing up "She could be anywhere". Hope nodded before speaking "Did you find a moonlight ring?" Alaric nodded going into his top drawer and pulling out before handing it to Finch "Here, this allows you to change at will". Finch nodded and put it on before Alaric spoke up once more, "I will take you both to different parts of the town and Drop you off, Once there see if you can Find Josie's scent. I will go with Hope, Lizzie you can Go with Finch, Be sure to take some wolfbane and a stake though just for precautions". Once Alaric had finished they all got sorted then Headed off.

Hosie: My life was better when you were in itKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat