Anger is a powerful emotion

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Josie was out cold on the floor as everyone stood around her. Finch was the first to lean over and Pick Josie up Holding her bridal style in her arms as she kissed her forehead "I'm sorry baby". Hope heard the nickname Finch used for Josie and growled at her, and before thinking she Reached out Pulling Josie out of Finch's arms and into her own. Finch took a step back as Hope stood with a deathly look on her face as she held Josie. Lizzie noticed the tension between them and walked standing between them and spoke "Both of you cut it out, we need to get Josie back to the school and Locked up before she comes to. Hope you carry her to the truck, Finch you carry her to the cells deal?" Hope nodded reluctantly and So did Finch. Hope carried her all the way to the car and couldn't help but keep stealing glances at her "She looked as beautiful as ever, And peaceful".

 They reached Alaric's Truck and Hope climbed in the back Laying Josie head on her lap. Finch also climbed in the back and watched intensely, as Hope stared down at her girlfriend stroking her hair. Feeling Jealousy build up she growled at Hope "Can't you give it a break Hope? Since you've been back its like you've been pining over her. Its pathetic". Hope growled back as she looked at Finch "What's pathetic Finch, is that you allowed her to get in this state in the first place. You should have supported her more". Finch laughed darkly "You can talk about support, but where were you when she was in transition? That's right stalking her instead of picking up on it. Where where you when she was struggling with her bloodlust? Oh that's right, getting her to feed from you because it made you feel good. And where were you when you left her broken and hurt outside the mill? That's right you wasn't there at all". Hope fell silent as she looked down at Josie "I still love her Finch, And I can assure you, She will be mine again. You can take my word on that. Every mistake I made with her before I will never make again. I'm here to stay". Finch looked away before answering Hope one last time "I can assure you, that all the while your here you will stay away from her, And you kind of have to. When I  challenged you 9 months ago I said If I win you have to do as I say. And I say you stay away from her". Hope fell silent not answering as she remembered that mortifying night that Finch beat her. 

They finally arrived back at the school and Finch picked Josie up carrying her down to the cells. Hope watched Angrily as the girl of her her dreams, Her soulmate was in another girls arms. Hope, Caroline, Alaric and Lizzie followed Finch as she entered the cells. Lizzie opened one of the doors as Finch carried her inside and Laid her on the bed before kissing her gently "I love you baby, when you wake up I will be here". Hope rolled her eyes as Finch walked out the cell locking the door behind her and handing the key to Alaric. Alaric sighed relieved to finally have Josie contained. Looking around he thanked everyone for helping before turning to Caroline and Lizzie "Right lets all go up to my office, Lizzie I need you to go over the humanity spell if all else fails". Lizzie nodded and they all headed out of the cells except from Hope and Finch.

 Finch sat down leaning against the wall while Hope leaned up against the cell door. Finch was the first person to break the silence "Did Dr Saltzman tell you how long the Vervain would have her out for?" Hope shook her head "No, But it can't be much Longer". Just as Hope said that Josie began To stir, Finch stood up walking over to The door. Both Finch And Hope watched as Josie Stood up "You know this cell Can't Hold me right? I'm a Heretic, Any spell you put on this door, I will just Siphon, And these Locks, weak. I don't know how the wolves don't escape". Hope giggled a little bit looking at Finch then back up at Josie "The wolves here are inferior Of course they can't break the locks". Josie smiled as she turned to Finch who Looked annoyed "Awh sorry baby, Did I hurt your feelings?" Finch shook her head "No, You didn't". 

Josie walked over To the cell door and leaned her arm through the bars touching Finch's face "Why did you trick me my love? And to think I considered Turning my humanity back on for you". Just as Finch was about to speak Hope spoke up "Wait what? You were going to turn it back on for her?" Josie nodded before pulling away from Finch. "Of course I was, What? Did you expect I would do it for you?" Hope frowned and Looked away "No, I just thought-" Hope was cut of mid sentence as Josie spoke again "Thought what? That you would come back an I would forgive you? That Just because your a Big powerful Tribrid now that I would swoon over you? That I would go back to Blindly loving  you?" Hope smirked and stood up straight "No, Not after what I did to you, I expect you to hate me and never Forgive me, I expect you to wish all the bad things in the world on me. So come on, tell me everything I  did to you" Josie was silent before talking again "Oh you want to know, You left me heart broken, You left me Alone, you were The one person that was meant to love me yet you loved the idea of power more. You used me as if I was a drug and nothing more, Then you just gave me up and left like I was nothing, I loved you with everything and you never felt the same. And yeah I made my fair share of mistakes. But never once did I consider being unfaithful and I never once thought about leaving you". 

Josie's eyes were streaming with tears as Hope stood smirking but with tears falling down her cheeks to. Finch stood mouth agape as she watched the icy exterior of her lover collapse. Josie hadn't noticed she was crying yet until she felt a tear drop off her face. Looking  up she stared into the baby blue eyes she had missed so much "Hope, you tricked me!" Hope wiped the tears off her face as she nodded "Welcome back Jo, Angers a powerful emotion". Josie wiped her face as she turned looking at Finch "I'm so sorry" Finch smiled as she looked at Josie "Its fine love, I'll go get your dad". Finch looked at Hope and smiled at her "Thank you". Hope nodded and turned back to Josie waiting for Finch to leave, Once she heard the door close she looked into Josie's eyes "I've missed you so much Jo". 

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