Angry Tribrid

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Hope knew that Finch would eventually be released, but it gave Hope some time to get ready for what she was going to do. Hope walked back to Alarics office returning the keys before she headed up to her and Lizzies room. Walking in she looked over to Lizzies bed and saw Lizzie passed out, Hope could smell the alcohol on her and scrunched up her face a bit. Grabbing some clean clothes Hope headed for a shower before putting them on. She then headed down to the woods and hid behind her old Bush and got undressed. After a few minutes Hope emerged a white wolf and started running through the woods. As she was running she picked up on a familiar scent and without hesitation began following it.

After about 5 minutes Hope's eyes fell on the object of her affections, Josie. Walking over Hope could see that Josie had been crying, whining a little bit she tried to nuzzle into Josie but was pushed away. Hope whined once again before going to the other side of Josie and nuzzling her. After a few seconds Josie Finally gave in, Hope laid down putting her head on Josies lap as Josie stroked her head. "I'm sorry Hope. I didn't mean to push you away, I'm so confused about last night." Hope felt her heart break and whined looking up at Josie. As she looked up one of Josies tears fell on to Hope's fur, sitting up Hope licked Josies face causing her to giggle a little bit "Hope, Cut it out". Hope stopped then laid back down returning to her previous position as did Josie. "Hope I Don't want to hurt Finch, and I don't want to hurt you. But I love you Hope, but after everything you did to me and everything I did to you I don't know if there is any way we could fix that".

Hope stood up from Josie looking dead in her eyes before turning and walking off. She could feel how sad Josie was and her herself was upset. Hope sulked through the woods back to the Bush before shifting and getting dressed again. Standing up Hope could feel all her feelings and Josies feelings and it was crushing her. Hope headed back towards the school when she heard Josies voice behind her "Hope, I'm sorry about everything". Hope turned around walking up to Josie until they were inches apart "Josie, I know that last night was a lot. But it was the best night of my now immortal life, and I could tell it was yours to. Who cares what Finch thinks. These Mark's on our arms mean we are destined to be together, why can't you just accept that? I did".

Josie was about to talk when she heard Finch behind Hope "There you are babe, I've been looking for you, what are you doing with her?" Josie went to answer when Hope spoke up "You know what Finch, I really don't like you, I don't like how you treat Josie and I don't like how you waltz around here like you own the place". Finch grinned as she walked up to Josie before turning to Hope "Hope, I don't like you either. I don't like the way you pine over my girlfriend or constantly challenge my authority. This school, that wolf pack inside and Josie are all mine. Do we have to have another beat down for me to prove it to you?" Hope growled taking a step forward towards Finch "You do not want to challenge me again, This time I will make sure I win". Finch smiled cockily before getting in  Hope's face "Bring it, right here, right now". Hope looked over to Josie to see if she was far enough away before she Looked at Finch.

Within seconds of checking that Josie was far enough away that she wouldn't get hurt Hope grabbed Finch throwing her to the floor. Both girls eyes turned gold the only difference being that Hope's had black veins under them. Finch jumped up with wolf like agility as she grabbed Hope punching her in the face. Hope growled lowly as blood fell from her nose before stopping just as quick as it started. Hope grabbed Finch as she went for another punch and launched her across the floor into a tree. Finch forced herself up and went to move her feet to walk forward but Hope was already in front of her punching her again. Finch flew back into the tree laying limp on the floor as Hope just stood towering above her. Hope wasn't done yet though she wanted to humiliate Finch just like she had done to her. Hope picked her up with a growl, walking her over to the now crowd of people watching, and dropped her on her knees in front of them. Finch fell back leaning on her feet as her head fell back her arms limp by her sides. Hope looked down at her grinning before picking her up by her hair just like she had previously done and bringing her knee straight up into the girls face. Finch fell to the floor almost lifeless as Hope stood above her. Just as Hope thought she was done she turned around to walk off but was stopped when Finch's pack stood blocking her way. Grinning, enjoying this way to much Hope growled as they all rushed her.

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