Time Lapses

15 1 0

{Dark mode}

There's a dark quiet void.
An endless expanse of darkness.
Black inked tears come down his cheeks. The relic firm in one hand and a coin in the other.

"Mother?" He whispers as the figure staggers towards him. He notices the shiny revolver in his hands.

"No...you're not my mother!!!. STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! DON'T COME CLOSE!!"

An evil grin forms across the man's face and his red eyes widen in glee. He reaches for Cadoc's arm.

"Yes...yes lad come to me". The man lurches forward with jerky movements and lets out a blood curdling shriek. He grips Cadoc by the arm...

{Light mode}

Cadoc's eyes snap open. He sits up slowly and wipes his face with his palms. He takes a deep breath, trying to convince himself what he saw was just a bad dream.

"It's just a dream. (Sighs) Just a dream."

It's been three(3) years past. He's older now. Half of his hair falls into his eyes and he has only trousers on.

The sun filters in through the curtains and the birds are singing outside. He walks over
and washes his face.
With the dream still in his head. The dream he's been dreaming ever since the first time he dreamt it 3 years ago.
(from downstairs)
Are you done yet!?

Give me a second! I haven't brushed yet!
(He places on a coat, ignoring the little stain on the collar)

Ava is standing by the opened door with her hands behind her. Her dark hair is longer and she has a nice dress on with embroideries on them as flowers.

She locks her hand in Cadoc's and they walk outside into the sunny morning. The path stretches through the busy town.
There are a little more automobiles now. Children are playing around. They sit in a coach and the conductor wips the horse.

As the coach is moving...

Don't you think you should have wore something a little more official? Or its okay... (confused)

Yeah I know. It's not fit for someone opening an art gallery huh. It looks nice right? How do you see it with your eyes?

Yes...it's colourful. If everyone could see what I see they'd say you have a very nice dress. (Smiles, Ava nods)

But I'm nervous. (Sighs) I've never done something like this before. I wanted a little art gallery, I didn't know it'll have this much attention.
(Looks outside the window)
Hey...there are so many people! Are they coming for my gallery or someone else's?

Hey, don't worry (giggles) You're just anxious. We'll be fine.

We? Oh you mean like a team? (Cadoc nods) An ice hockey team?

Why do you sometimes act like you're fifteen?

Maybe I only act like that when I'm with my favorite person?

They gaze at each. And the coach stops. They snap back to reality and Cadoc goes out so he opens the door for Ava.

They walk through the people and into a very nice building. There are balloons and a lot of cars around. The people around aren't ordinary. They have experiensive clothes and chauffeurs accompanying them.

In the building, Ava's photographs are on the walls and a group of people stand around admiring them. The whole place is painted white. Stairs lead up to other exibitions upstairs.

Huh...this is more than I imagined.
(Looking around) My heart...I feel so...(sighs)

It's all your hardwork...well most of your hard work.

A man in a black coat with a long mouthstache walks towards Cadoc and Ava. He's old, in his 50s and has a hat on and a glass of wine in his hand. He smiles and shakes Ava. Then he kisses the back of her palm.

Good day sir. (turns to Cadoc) Cadoc this is Mr. Hamzer. He helped with everything here.

Nice to meet you Mr. Hamzer.
(They're eyes meet, then the world flashes grey. Cadoc grunts a little)

You okay?

Oh don't worry. I'm fine. (turns to Hamzer)

When fellow Apertures meet, a look in the eyes would make them aware of themselves. Cadoc being younger than Hamzer would have the grunt effect.

This beautiful woman here, is very talented with her art. And so I had to help her. Give her a little boost. So she'd realize her dream.

Yes...he helped me a lot. I don't know how to repay him sometimes.

Oh you don't have to pay anyone back. (laughs) She's your fiancée?

Oh...no no.
She's my sister...and you can say best friend right? (Ava nods with a sarcastic smile)

Oh sorry. I saw how you held her hand and stuff. It made it look that way. (Pause)

I made him promise he'd hold my hands if I felt nervous. (Laughs)

I see. But where's Mr. Amber? And your mum?

My father is a little sick. So Mrs Jane is taking care of him at home. He couldn't come but he'll come next time we're here.

Okay, I understand. So err...I'll get going. I have to treat a few guests and we'll see ourselves.

(They bow and he walks away, he keeps looking at Cadoc as he and Ava walk away)

Do you think that's how people see us? (Raises an eyebrow) That we're together?

I think so. Hey I'm not sure (laughs)

Oh come on Cad I'm serious. (Ava stops and faces Cadoc) Do you think it'll be weird?

I...I'm not sure Ava. I think it'll be a little weird.

You're not being serious are you? (Folds arms) Well don't mind the question...it's weird too. (laughs)
Let's go upstairs.

No, let's check the ones here first. (Laughs)

No. Who owns the photographs? Me right? Now let's go upstairs. (Cadoc rolls eyes)

You're one persuasive lady huh.
Next on Grey Ambience

"Ava trembles and her eyes are wide. Her jaw drops in disbelief. The whole place is colourful."

Your eyes, they're so beautiful.
(The colour drains and the place turns grey again)

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