The Absent students

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I was very happy when sir said that Liv for the monitor. I was so happy that I jumped in happiness. And you know what happened, I fell into Ed's arms (as I was sitting next to him). I saw pink background with hearts and stars coming from him. No, no, no, come out of your fantasy he is your rival. "Hey did I told you to catch me." "I didn't catch you, you fell on me." Then he left me to fall on the ground. It still hurts. But I don't know why I saw him that way. This is a photo related to what I saw.

Anyways, I should not think about these things

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Anyways, I should not think about these things. Liv was the monitor and I was the monitor's assistant. Then Ed came near me and said "Don't be so happy I am still the person who manages studies." "C....can you explain the work of the manager of studies." "I get to stop anyone who is not studying in class, I get to manage all the studies and manage all the students in the class, I work with the monitor and also control the monitor's assistant, so technically you are my assistant also." "Ss....o, you still get to control me?" "Yes, bye see you later ASSISTANT."

"Why me! My bad luck. I tried so much to get control over him." This was a heart breaking news for me, but I had other work than thinking about my bad luck. Like practising for KTM auditions. I went home after school and started practising for the auditions. Our task was to sing a song and then dance on the same one. I started thinking that which song will be the best song for the auditions, after 400 songs I got the perfect song. 'kiss and makeup' want to hear it-

I am going to practice dance on that song first so that I get a little familiar with it. I practised day and after having dinner I slept. The next day in school- Sir called me and Ed alone in his cabin and said, "Edward and Emma, two students haven't came to school from 5 days. You have to go to their home and convince them to come, as if they don't come for more than 8 days they will be expelled for a month." Ed said, "Is there anything I can't do myself, I don't need her." "This the work for two people, so you two have to do it." "Yes sir"

After school-  "The missing students are a girl and a boy, I will go and convince the girl and you go and convince the boy

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After school- "The missing students are a girl and a boy, I will go and convince the girl and you go and convince the boy. Let's see who convinces first." "Okay, it's on. Give me the address."
I came to the girl's house her name was Ally. Knock-knock "Oh, the food has been delivered, how much?" "I wanted to ask you why are you not coming to school." and she shut the door. Knock-knock "Coming. Oh you again." and the gate is closed again. Knock-knock, she opened the gate and I pushed the it to come inside, but I failed.

Hi everyone I am Aarna, I am the writer of this story. I come in the middle to tell what's going on with other characters, as M doesn't know that, and by the way the things I say are tilted. So let's see what's going on with Ed. "Let's see the address, I have to find him before M finds that girl, Name_ Kyle, Address_ Block A,B,C,D, Street 1,2,3,4,5,6, House number_1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 what kind of address is that! It's like the address of the whole city. It's going to be a very difficult task." Let's go back to M.

"Why isn't she talking to me

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"Why isn't she talking to me. Looks like I have to work on my plan A." Plan A- blackout. "If she won't come out like this, then she will come out if there will be no light in her house." So I went to the main power of her house and cut all the wires. Inside the house- Ally was reading a book in the lamp light, and the light went off. But there was no problem as she had many power backups with her.

Outside- "Why isn't she coming out, looks like I have to work on my Plan B." Plan B- Cut water supply. "If she will come out like this then I will cut the water supply, and there will be no water in her house, she will come out." And I did so. Inside- Ally was washing apples to eat and the water went off, this was also not a problem for her as she had many water bottles and packed food with her. Outside- " Why isn't she coming out, there is only one option left, Plan C." Knock-knock "Who's there?" "Delivery" She opened the gate.

The gate was only half opened so she couldn't see my face. "How much?" "It will be $10." "Okay let me bring the money." "No need I have already paid." that moment she recognised that I was not the delivery girl, I was the girl who has been annoying her today. So finally she said, "Come in." I entered her house, all the walls were filled with the pictures of Austin, the leader of KTM. "Are you the fan of Austin?" "Yes, you too." "Yes, isn't he awesome?" "Yes"

Then I entered in her room and we started eating the food I bought

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Then I entered in her room and we started eating the food I bought. While eating she said let's become friends and I agreed as she was nice and we had many things in common. Then I asked her "Why don't you come to school?" "I watch Austen's performances at home. So why come to school." "Why watch performances, when you can see your idol live."How tell me, tell me. "Don't you know that the whole team of KTM is in our class."

"How is this possible, they were not there on the first and second year of high school." "They will be this year, as if they don't come this year and attend classes in school, will be expelled. They will come from this Monday. As they had to go to a concert this week." "What, seriously. I am 100 percent going to come school from tomorrow. EVERYDAY"

On the other side Edward was still trying to find the exact place where Kyle lived, after sometime he found it. He opened the door, entered into the house. There was Kyle watching TV. "Hey Kyle, you have to come school from tomorrow or you will be expelled from school for a month." "Okay, I'll come." It was so easy for Edward and so hard for Emma. Comment below that who had to do less work Edward or Emma.

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