Cap. 11 Epilogue

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Two months later, amongst the streets in the duchy, flowers and confetti were thrown at the two white carriages bringing the young dukes and their brides. They decided that Eddy would've married Kim and Brett would've married Mary, just for a matter of height, and for a matter of tolerability of the first night of marriage. Despite their status they would have to spend the first night with the girls, before being able to switch the rooms in the dark hours of the night.

The orphanage was closed and converted in a cloistered convent. One wing of the royal palace was transformed in a reception centre in which the young girls instead of becoming prostitutes look after the children from the orphanage while their mother work. Many of the children could find their mother again and the few that weren't that lucky were trained by the dukes to become servants. All the children attempted music classes in the morning and writing and reading school in the afternoon. Many of the girls found a husband and, by attending the classes after the children were returned home, became teachers themselves. In a few years it became possible to open a public school with special music classes led by the dukes themselves. Many factories were opened giving the citizens more jobs, and giving the dukes the possibility to expand their trades.

After 15 years of tough work, it was possible to open the "Jane Becket philharmonic orchestra". A wide theatre was built and dedicated to the Duchess, and today is the inauguration day.

Eddy: "How am I?"

Kim: "You have a talent for tyeing your bow tie crooked!"

Eddy: "Hum??"

Kim: "Let me fix...done!"

Eddy: "Thank you"

Kim: "Your welcome 'honey'. I'll go check if Brett and Mary are ready"

Eddy: "I'll come with you"

They headed out their room and walked through the empty corridors. The castle seemed almost dead after Mrs. Becket's departure. She died two years after her retirement, surrounded by her sons and Mr. Green, who died as well a month after her. This evening was dedicated to her and they would be playing her favourite violin concerto.

They knocked at Brett's door and slid inside the room after Mary said they could enter, closing the door behind themselves.

Brett: "Omg you are beautiful!"

Eddy: "Thank you 'brother'"

Said Eddy laughing. He waltzed through the room to peck Brett's lips. Meanwhile Mary and Kim exchange a quick peck before dismissing the two boys.

Eddy: "Are you ready for tonight?"

Brett: "I don't know Eddy...she would have liked to be here tonight..."

Eddy: "I know Brett...she would have liked seeing our projects finished...I miss her"

Brett: "Yeah me too..."

Eddy: "Well, let's make this night special for her"

Brett: "Well said! Have you rehearsed your part of the speech?"

Eddy: "Yup and you?"

Brett: "Yes...come on it's time to go"

The carriage was waiting for them outside. The two 'couples' climbed in the carriage and the horses began their road to the theatre. The now adult musicians were already waiting for them backstage. The royal balcony was reserved for the duchesses and the children of the new class musicians, the first lines were reserved for the noblemen, and the other seats were sold at a low price for the citizens.

When the theatre was completely full of people, the musicians backstage started to go on stage, surrounded by the applause of the crowd. Last but not least Eddy and Brett joined as the two soloists: they agreed to play pieces of the same concerto alternately so that they could both be soloists. They reached the centre of the stage and bowed at the audience.

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