Cap. 4 Eddy meets Brett

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Mike: "What happened in the shop???"

Asked Mike curious while all the other children were already asleep

Eddy: "He made me try out his violin and told me I'm talented. He said that in a week's time I will have the possibility to meet a teacher!"

Mike: "Omg that's crazy Eddy, do you realize that if the teacher agrees to tutor you, you will have the possibility to leave this place??"

Eddy: "I know!"

Mike: "I'm kinda sad you're leaving..."

Eddy: "Hey don't worry, I will be back to adopt you in a few years I swear!"

Eddy outstretched his little hand, raising his pinkie. Mike linked their little fingers and they sealed the deal.

The days flew by quite quickly. Eddy didn't miss one day of practice with the luthier. And then the long-waited day came. A tall slender man with grey hair and glassy eyes entered the shop. He was followed by a short boy who was probably the same age as Eddy. He exchanged a handshake with the luthier and looked doubtfully at Eddy.

Mr. Green: "I didn't know you'd adopted one of those poor boys from the orphanage"

Luthier: "Actually, this one is for your lady"

Mr. Green: "My lady?"

Luthier: "I know she is looking for young musicians to train and show her guests, and I think this little one here is really talented"

Mr. Green: "Alright let's see"

Eddy glanced at the tall man and put the little violin on his shoulder. He took a deep breath and landed the bow on the strings. Sure, he was still callow, but the music coming from him was full of promises. He stopped playing and eyed the tall man, who was looking at him with his hand on his chin and interested eyes.

Mr. Green: "What's your name little boy?"

Eddy: "Eddy Chen sir"

Mr. Green: "And how long have you been playing?"

Eddy: "A week sir"

Mr. Green: "Amazing, really... you came from the orphanage, right?"

Eddy: "Yes sir"

Mr. Green: "Ok Eddy, listen to me. I want you to go back to the orphanage and collect your stuff, then wait for me there"

Eddy nodded quickly and headed out of the shop. He ran through the hole and made his way to the dormitory without being spotted. He collected his few items and left the bag on the bed, ready to leave at any moment.

The day went on as usual and Eddy was impatient for the tall man to show up. They were about to go to sleep when a nun entered the room and, with a loud voice, shouted

Nun: "Eddy Chen, collect your stuff and come here"

Everyone in the room froze, all eyes were on Eddy. He took his already packed bag from the bed, gave a quick hug to Mike, and made his way to the nun. The woman led him to the entrance, where the tall man and the little boy from the shop were waiting for him.

Mr. Green: "Thank you madam"

Nun: "My pleasure sir, I love it when somebody decides to take care of these poor little creatures. You know, we don't have much money..."

Mr. Green: "I know...come on little man let's go"

Said Mr. Green, taking Eddy's hand. They exited the building and walked to the dark carriage waiting for them. Mr. Green opened the door, gesturing to the two boys to enter, and then he climbed too.

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