Cap. 6 Growing

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It didn't take long for the two of them to become friends. They were basically always together, and the high understanding between them made their friendship bloom into maybe something more. Mrs. Becket was happy that her two boys were growing so close and little by little she accepted Eddy as a new arrival, also because he seemed to catch up with the musical level of Brett quite quickly.

It was time to have them perform in a high-class buffet.

Mrs. Becket: "Wonderful my boys! Really wonderful!"

She said after their evening performance.

Mrs. Becket: "Seems like you both are ready to join the buffet I will be hosting next week"

Mr. Green: "Oh, what a great idea Jane!"

Mrs. Becket: "You will start rehearsing tomorrow morning... pieces for one hour at least"

Mr. Green: "Fine, there won't be any problem I think"

Mrs. Becket: "Perfect, now go eat and rest, I want you two to be ready for the rehearsal, but before that, give the old Jane a kiss"

They walked through the small room to stamp a kiss on both Jane's cheeks and headed to the servants' diner to have dinner.

After dinner there was the usual bath. It was some months that Mrs. Becket ordered her servants to make them wash separately.

Brett was already in his bed waiting for Eddy to come after the bath. He was trying to read a book: not one for children but a more advanced one like Mrs. Becket wanted. Eddy entered the room and climbed in his own bed opening his own advanced book and sighed heavily.

Brett: "Hey are you alright?"

Eddy: "Hum...yes"

Brett: "You know you can talk to me Eddy"

Eddy: "It's...I'm afraid, about the buffet next are much better than me and I don't know if I'm ready"

Brett closed his book and slid out of his bed, he made his way to Eddy's and sat down at his feet

Brett: "It's not true, you are good enough. You play perfectly and full of emotions...sometimes I would like to be able to transmit emotions like you do"

Eddy: "Brett that's not true! You can literally bring the people in the room wherever you want with your violin!"

Brett looked down laughing. It's impressive how the world wanted them to grow up so fast.

Brett: "Thank you bro...but don't forget you are great!"

Eddy: "I swear!"

Answered Eddy while putting one hand on his heart and lifting the other near his shoulder. Brett stood up and was about to reach for his bed when he froze on his spot by Eddy's words

Eddy: "Brett...may I ask you one thing?"

Brett: "Sure"

Eddy: "Hug me?"

Brett turned around to face Eddy who had slid out of his bed too, reaching for Brett. Eddy opened his arms and welcomed Brett. The hug was tight, warm and breath-taking. Hilarious how Brett, the eldest of the two, completely disappeared in Eddy's arms. They remained in each other's arms for what seemed like hours and then Brett pulled away and stamped a kiss on Eddy's cheek, making him blush.

Eddy: "G-good night Brett"

Brett: "Good night Eddy"

They climbed in their own beds and fell asleep, their backs facing each other.

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