Cap. 9 The wife problem

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Problems started to arrive at Eddy's 20th birthday. Mrs. Becket had called for them in her study.

Mrs. Becket: "Good morning my dears, please have a seat"

They both sank in the comfy chairs facing her behind the desk

Mrs. Becket: "First of all, happy birthday Eddy"

Eddy: "Thank you Jane"

Mrs. Becket: "You're welcome. Second thing of the day, who can tell me how old I am?"

Brett: "77"

Mrs. Becket: "Yes 77...I am lucky: people die much earlier usually! I like doing my job and taking care of you, my sons, but I think it's time for me to retire...I begun doing this when I was only 15. I was already married and I'd already tried to have babies...perhaps I was not born for that...Anyway I waited until the both of you would have been old enough and so here we are: I'm officially retiring."

They exchanged a worried look before Mrs. Becket spoke again

Mrs. Becket: "I will be giving one last buffet next month and I will present you as the new dukes. And of course, maybe this is the right period to evaluate some of the marriage proposals..."

They exchanged another glance and Brett outstretched an arm to reach for Eddy's hand , intertwining their fingers.

Brett: " told us that you didn't want to marry Peter..."

Mrs. Becket: "Yeah that's right"

Eddy: "And that you would have preferred to marry someone else..."

Mrs. Becket: "Yes..."

Brett: "If you could go back in time would you still marry this other man?"

Mrs. Becket: "Of course...because now..."

Eddy: "You have understood that it's better to spend your life with someone you love instead of following the etiquette, right?"

Mrs. Becket: "Are you asking me the permission to marry someone you love instead of accepting one of the proposals?"

Brett: "Actually, Jane, we are asking you to not marry at all...we couldn't marry the person we love anyway..."

Mrs. Becket: "It wouldn't be wrong if you marry a citizen instead of a noble woman have made me a promise it would have sense, and as I told you I would have married the man I love even if he was an orphan, so I have nothing against it..."

Eddy: "Well we are not talking about citizens, Jane, we know that it would be accepted as a marriage, we were talking about...the other side of the buffet..."

Mrs. Becket fell back in her seat contemplating the phrase. Realization hit her and she was suddenly sad.

Mrs. Becket: "I took many risks in growing you as my sons...and you are asking me to take another one that is too big even for me to handle guys..."

Brett: "We are not asking you to allow us to marry each other, we are asking you to let us not marry at all and hide this thing between the walls of this castle..."

Mrs. Becket: "I fear that you are wrong my dear Brett...people will speak if two young men as you don't's impossible to hide...I didn't want this for you: I wanted you to marry the person you love, not to have restrictions like I did..."

Eddy: "And what should we do? Marry a random girl and act like everything's fine?"

Mrs. Becket: "I'm afraid that's the only solution..."

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