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Park jimin ....

"Whoa .... Why you guys playing in the corridor" jimin asked the boys

"It's none of your shit ..... Move " one gye from the group replied

"Tck... It's not the way to talk your senior" jimin hissed, still didn't understand the situation.

However tae started run again and hide one of the room .... It's says staff. The room is not look like staff room nor a classroom, it looks like an office.

He suddenly hear noices from outside, he began to panic again ... Trying hard to control his breath....

Slowly the sound of footstep moving making him relax a bit ... But not long.

"Who are you ....!?" A voice behind him asked making him startled.

Taehyung slowly turned and see .... His eyes widened

There is none other than jungkook standing a white towel casually palce on his shoulder, looks like he back from shower ... Near jungkook taehyung saw a door maybe he took a shower  from there.

On the other hand jungkook just staring at the latter panicked yet pretty eyes... He understands that something is wrong ....

Taehyung just stare at his face unable to say anything because of his heart thumbing wildly making him swallow the words not able to speak.... His eyes started to scan the room, his eyes landed on the trash can .... There was a cloth most likely a shirt.

It was jungkook shirt.

Come to think of it he wears it in the class but why he throw it on dustpin ... And there is some stain it looks like a ........ C-cum.

Taehyung can't believe his eyes ... His mind remember the word minjoon had said to him about jungkook.

He had sex here , taehyung eyes wide from the thought.

Jungkook followed taehyung gaze and immediately covers the trashcan by moving infront of him.

"I asked you something... Who are you !? And what you doing here " jungkook asked nonchalantly

" Um-m I'm sorry to interrupt you ....i-i w-was searching f-for my hyung
A-and asked someone t-they t-they ...." Taehyung can't continue tears started to fill his eyes once again... Making him hide his face from embarrassement.

Jungkook watched the other silently with no emotion in his eyes.

"Come with me" jungkook told as he make his way to outside.

The sound of opening door making taehyung flinch and followed him like lost puppy.

Jungkook scaned the corridor seeing noone.

Jungkook sighed,
maybe they just teased him, jungkook taught.

"Um I think they gone now ..... You can go to your hyung" jungkook said and already moving.

"Wait" taehyung grasped jungkook hand , shaking pupil stare at his head.

"C-can you ... Y-you know where is English classroom" taehyung asked still can't control his stuttering.

Jungkook just nod as response.

"Can you help me ... Please" taehyung pleaded.

Jungkook just can't say no.... Jungkook stare at his eyes nose libs and whole face like he search for any flaw in his pretty face.

Jungkook can't denied that the latter is just beautiful.... He wonder how he missed to see a pretty like him.

"Okay" he simply said and hold taehyung’s hand gently to lead him.

He can feel the other soft hand and still lightly shaking from incident....
From instinct he hold his hand rather boldly like he trying to comfort the other.

On the other hand taehyung is trying his best to hide his blush .... 💜

THE UNKNOWN PRINCE  | TAEKOOK (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now